疯癫老人 发表于 2007-7-3 14:47


prince 发表于 2007-7-3 15:03


魔鬼筋肉人 发表于 2007-7-3 15:50



KOKOL 发表于 2007-7-3 16:08


Y2J100 发表于 2007-7-3 16:09

zcsupport edge

sam_nie 发表于 2007-7-3 16:13

在那个时期,我最看好的有两个人:rock 和 edge

语实俱禁 发表于 2007-7-3 16:29

The reality is ... it's the "it" factor
Music. Modeling. Dancing. It’s about the look, the spark, the “it” factor. It’s marketing.
Today’s reality shows, in fact, embody the “it” factor. “America’s Next Top Model,” “American Idol” and the recent reality show hit, “Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll” all have the same goal in mind: to search and discover that one person who has “it.” And, if you don’t have “it,” you probably won’t get picked. Could one say that of the latest cut on “American Idol?” Melinda Doolittle with her strong, polished voice didn’t make it to the finals … to the surprise of many. Was it her looks, her personality or choice of songs that landed her in third place? Who knows? I guess it depends on how you define “it.”
Maybe Blake Lewis and Jordin Sparks, the final two contestants vying for the “American Idol” spot this season have “it.” But what is it about these two contestants that have landed them in the finals? I think young girls swoon over Lewis, perhaps because of his looks and beat-boxing ability. Sparks, perhaps because she’s likable, enthusiastic and has a great singing voice.
Now, take these reality shows and apply that same concept of the “it” factor to a company’s products. What makes a certain product or brand outshine others? What’s the “it” factor? The “it” factor comes to mind when I think of the Apple iPod. What are some of your thoughts?

In the past the “it factor” might have been defined as someone with je ne sais quoi, or the indefinable something that makes someone special. The “it factor”, was also called the X Factor in some cases, and still may be referred to as such. Most often, it is applied to celebrities or semi-celebrities that seem to radiate charisma and charm.
There is considerable debate about who possesses this unknown variable. Some people look at celebreality stars like Paris Hilton and are certain she has that “it factor”. In some way she draws people to her like a lodestone. The young woman can’t seem to make the smallest movement without a host of paparazzi avidly lapping at her heels.
Others look at Paris Hilton and wonder what the fuss is about. She is assuredly wealthy, and she can wear the finest clothes, make-up and jewelry that money can buy. However, people examine her and fail to see the “it factor”. Determining the “it factor” can be a matter of taste, moral background, viewpoints, and preferences.
The “it factor”, that nebulous prejudice-laced something, can apply not only to celebrities but also to politicians, to people seeking work, or to religious leaders. Mother Theresa eschewed the fashionable world and lived a life of privation to serve others. Her “it factor” had everything to do with the spiritual way in which she lived her life. People would wait for days for audience with her. The same can be said of the exiled Dalai Lama, who again inspires people in a completely non-materialistic way.
When people interview for jobs, a certain confidence can be the “it factor” prospective employers are looking for. Somehow, an interviewee must stand out from the crowd. There are numerous books written on how to apply for, interview for, and land a job.
Most of these books focus on appearing strong but flexible, and moreover establishing a personality that will be remembered in a positive way. Many of the recommendations have to do with making the interviewer feel at ease and comfortable. Basic things like nodding one’s head and smiling can establish an “it factor” other job candidates do not possess.
However, the “it factor” differs according to cultural traditions. Smiling in many Asian cultures is seen as a sign of embarrassment. Thus an Asian employer might view smiling as the very thing suggesting one does not have the “it factor." Knowing one’s audience is vital.
In Rob Reiner’s film An American President, there is an argument central to the concept of “it factor” and image regarding whether President Franklin Delano Roosevelt would have been elected in the TV age. The fact that Roosevelt was in a wheelchair might have stripped him of the “it factor” that made him such a popular president, particularly if he was daily viewed by a television audience.
Reiner’s point is that image and “it factor” are crucial to successful politics, though perhaps they are not the best basis for electing people to office. It is often clear that even presidential elections in the US are decided partly on personality as evidenced by polling. Some people felt Al Gore was boring and John Kerry was wooden. President Bush, on the other hand, had the “it factor”, and seemed like a sincere, nice, good guy. Thus, if a politician doesn’t have “it,” he or she must train to get “it.”
Unfortunately the “it factor” can get in the way of judging people on who they really are. There is an old saying that one can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. However, frequently the “it factor” in its most superficial forms is all about transforming the sow’s ear into the silk purse. It is about looks alone, and not about one’s view and contributions to the world. While it may be amusing to watch the parade of “it factor” folks, society also takes intense pleasure in seeing such idols torn down, as evidenced by the massive interest in the decline and fall of celebrities.
Thus the “it factor” is both elusive and transient. Those who have it today, may lack it tomorrow. It is usually not an adequate measure of the human, and there is no definable yardstick by which to rule such a factor.


jinweii 发表于 2007-7-3 17:28

等着吧 他是一个天才的摔跤手 是一个真正的 创奇

chaoshero 发表于 2007-7-3 17:34

如果EDGE能更多地依靠“实力”而不是耍阴战胜对手 一定会更受欢迎
如果以后能更进一步 前途不可限量~

02pa 发表于 2007-7-3 17:44

一般冠军次数多说明在摔角中到上这个层次待的时间比较长,CHRIS JERICHO就是如此

R.I.P 发表于 2007-7-3 17:50


chanyy 发表于 2007-7-3 19:26


Destiny 发表于 2007-7-3 19:27



edge的扎实根基怎是triple h之流可比的,edge的命运也不是那么好,虽然wwe经常补偿他让他赢各路高手,可惜的是,他已经在走下坡路了……而且环境也不是那么纯洁了。

looker-dx 发表于 2007-7-3 19:34


wwe001 发表于 2007-7-3 19:40


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