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[翻译] The 5 Star Truth: Entertain Yourself--五星级真相:自娱自乐

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


    发表于 2006-8-16 21:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    2 R0 ?. F4 Y  Y这个系列这次一共有三篇,一晚上弄两篇有点累,剩下的一篇明天再说,这两篇也得精雕细琢一下才行
    : T, {- `# k6 E+ w, @
    - M* M  D. `# F8 l% I. T( h7 t( R
    7 z4 N5 o, k" r1 U$ T
    % I! p$ `; C. B- `8 `5 b& c" G. a) P% ?2 z9 j
    The 5 Star Truth: Entertain Yourself3 {& r( D0 f+ p) y# x4 X7 `
    ( M' C6 X5 C  [: ~
    : m$ c4 ~8 F4 H1 a4 u$ z作者 Mike Steele
    4 v* ]. u. k% a# i0 L0 U. @4 w发表于 08/01/2006 上午 11:56
    % H8 E$ {% m6 |* G5 k$ l( `
    " B( ~' ~/ Q1 J职业摔角是一种娱乐形式,我们却大多认为它仅此而已,而且我们只看到了电视机中播出的那些东西。但,作为观众,如果你运用你的想像力,你将有无尽的可能性来使自己的生活更丰富多彩。
    + S- [4 y( l% \' q9 T$ P1 @( a" |$ d& d
    : s+ P" D( M2 ^, a首先,除了看比赛之外,显然有很多简易可行的办法来自娱自乐,比如为成年人设计的摔角游戏、使用虚拟人物的“E联盟”游戏。但是也有其它一些方法可以起到同样的作用。有时视频游戏可能会有些限制,比如它们经常没有包含当前的全部选手,或者有时你可能想使用一个已经退休了的选手,甚至是其它联盟的选手。别担心,这里有些关于这个的解决办法。有很多网站提供“自创人物”,它会逐步地教你如何使用“创建模式”来创造拥有你想要的相貌和招式的选手,而不用你自己摸索。这样你就可以创造出nOw、Ricky Steamboat或者其他你想要的选手了。因为这些游戏都很呆板,可能你在游戏中的对手总是不按你的想法作出你想要的动作,从而无法重现经典比赛,“E联盟”游戏可能是fans间互动的一个比较有趣味性的方法,并使事情跟主观化了。你可以创建你所独有的选手,并作出自己的宣传片。当一个“E联盟”游戏的玩家需要作出决定的时候,也是一种富有更多现实性和创新性的活动。如果这还比较难控制的话,自己编写假想的比赛和故事线也会很有成就感。你可以凌驾于一切之上,无论是让已经去世的选手复活,还是在节目中出现一个10英尺高〔注1〕的怪物。你受到的唯一限制就是你自己的创造力。
      p% t1 N, h# Y% j% |; Y5 I2 W
    如果你认为上面的这些太象令人讨厌的D&D〔注2〕了,那么就回到悲惨的现实世界吧。下一种方法适用于骨灰级fans。我从还是一个孩子的时候就开始和家里的同辈作摔角玩偶〔注3〕。我们也他妈很棒。我们作出了所有的音响效果,并精心制作了很多场景。我们运用自己的想像力使我们越玩越大。其中的一种就是由三个不同的人使用周围的小物件作为道具而构成。当我长大并成为摔角迷之后,我开始购买摔角玩偶。哦,我的意思不是说我收集它们,“它们在我的架子上,自己的原始包装中好好的呆着呢”,不是这样的。我的意思是说,我总是在摆弄它们,一直到它们开裂或者掉漆为止。我并不会作诸如使用那些TitanTron〔注4〕戒指之类的事情,因为我感到那样太拘束了,但是我运用自己的想像力制作了一些关于现役的和退役选手的摔角玩偶。我最喜欢的是WCW的玩偶,因为它们的功能更多,而且更灵活。我只能假装认为DDP是Triple H,Goldberg 是 Stone Cold。我是个骨灰级爱好者。我不喜欢那些四肢僵硬、姿势愚蠢的蹩脚玩具。我想玩得更爽一点,而且我做到了。我花了很多时间来想出故事线,创造一个比Hulk Hogan 或者The Rock 的各方面都更杰出的选手。我安排的比赛场所可以使Amazing Red与Teddy Hart〔注5〕的对决变得更像一场地面技术的较量。当然了,随着我年龄的增大,我会开始逐渐减少花在这上面的时间,而且这将变成一项秘密活动。我想我可能更乐意在手淫时被发现,而不是在玩玩具的时候被发现。每年我都会在过了生日之后对自己承诺不再碰那玩意儿。我可能会最后玩一次,并告诉自己就到此为止。但是我停不下来。这项活动持续了很多年。现在我终于可以说我有很久没看那些玩具了。我相信这大部分要归咎于我最喜欢的那几个玩偶在我多年的蹂躏下已经不成形了。但是我更乐于认为这是由于我从中解脱了,我不再沉迷于这些了。至少我每晚要自我暗示才能安然入睡。3 J" Z! D$ y- r) P
    * I, p. x, |1 E/ v# M: f0 X
    我想过但现在还没实现的事情,就是在看比赛的时候玩些小游戏。我听说有些fans有时会玩喝酒的游戏――前提是他们能调动朋友们的积极性。例如,每次Stone Cold说“What?!”,他们就喝一大口,每次Jerry Lawler大叫“Puppies!”他们就喝一杯。即使你无法玩这个喝酒游戏,还有很多其它可玩的游戏。比如,找一个朋友,并打赌哪个选手会比另一个说的多或者作的多。比如说,一个人认为在Carlito的比赛中,解说员会说很多次“Cool!”这个词,另一个人则认为在Kane的比赛中,Jim Ross会多次称其为怪物。那么作一次简单的统计就可以分出胜负了,负者支付赌注。另一种比较有趣的做法就是把电视静音,然后和朋友一起为比赛或者短片配音,就像Sci-Fi的Mystery Science Theatre 3000节目一样。看摔角比赛的时候可能会有其它100多种游戏或其它事情可作,但要点是你们不能只是直勾勾地看着屏幕。你们在整个过程中都可以进行互动。
    3 x4 P( f. L( @' F# ?& q) W4 b2 a% `5 b4 s7 N( r6 d% T
    虽然很多有趣的娱乐项目会破坏气氛并让一场好比赛索然无味,但它们也可以让秀的其它部分更有生气。让我们面对现实吧,许多比赛确实非常suck。许多短片都是又臭又长。许多配图看起来都是又蠢又气人。那么为什么不在这种时候找点乐子呢?如果你自己会找乐子,那会很有趣的。运用你的想像力。当你对Chris Masters 与Gene Snitsky的比赛感到厌烦时,想像屏幕上上演的是古菲狗正在踢唐老鸭的屁股。作为fan,有些时间必须保持严肃,但是晚上是娱乐时间,如果节目达不到娱乐的效果,你可以不看。那么,尽情地享受这段时光吧,别再让你这个摔角迷烦恼了。
      C/ y! w7 ~# L1 ^0 Z5 o
      l' v+ Y% M& g+ w3 ?% S2 m-Mike Steele
    8 ?  H9 ^* S; X% ]% }+ u& s# [
    2 I8 m$ g: X; b1 F5 k% A为了和我的读者们互动,我建立了一个msn个人空间。加我为好友,你就可以获得我最新的专栏文章和诸如秀的评论之类的特殊文章。
    5 f- h4 B/ h7 Y. w9 j1 e* m, v, _1 e' t8 I
    3 S1 L4 P+ [7 C+ J( n7 j4 F
    注1:原文是“10 foot”,作者不会是指10只脚吧,汗
    4 V. |$ |$ n: o& Z; o8 o8 A
      y5 V9 B$ G- a$ c" d: T注2:即龙与地下城,西方非常流行的一种背景设定,比如魔法门,魔兽争霸,暗黑破坏神等等游戏都是基于这个的,相当复杂,也分好几个版本# M' B# t) r, @. _# w
    , y+ a. R! J; m$ u/ b
    ( ~8 i) Y  Q# u& L* c
    8 b1 @' s5 _; o/ j注4:这里查到的解释是wwf时期使用的大屏幕,不解ing
    $ O" g8 H% a9 l! S$ ^3 Q' [
    2 U: f6 n  x% F3 V6 w注5:这两位都是tna的选手
    & \# W) i' I" E# e
    , o8 J9 N! g9 g

    7 ?, E& @& p8 X2 R全文完
    7 U+ S9 E, P% J' g* _2 m" N1 ]
    " `" X) q, |; w3 f" B[ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-18 12:58 编辑 ]




  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-16 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
    5 e. B, r+ O7 Y" uhttp://nodq.com/columns/156454504.shtml9 j3 N0 s9 v* O: O0 b
    英文全文:: h' I9 F/ w8 Z) C* K3 Z2 _
    The 5 Star Truth: Entertain Yourself
    ( w) W  z3 H" t' T$ {Posted by Mike Steele on 08/01/2006 at 11:56 AM
    1 o0 q: }4 r8 b( n, N6 g/ }
    0 R" Y& y& \6 c# D; D3 m/ }9 F1 dProfessional Wrestling is a form of entertainment, but too often we just take it as it is and only take as much as the television set puts out. But if you just put your imagination to work, there are an endless amount of possibilities that can enhance your experience as a fan.
    1 N* ?$ ~$ h3 Z; PTo begin with, there are of course many readily available ways to entertain yourself beyond just watching, such as wrestling games for the major consoles and "e-federations" for fantasy role playing. But there are still ways to enhance those experiences as well. Sometimes video games can be limiting, as they often don't have the promotion's full current roster, or sometimes you would rather play as a retired wrestler, or even someone from another company. But fear not, for there are ways around this. There are many websites which offer "CAW's" (Create A Wrestler) which tell you step-by-step how to use the Create Mode to get the right look and the right moves without having to do experimenting yourself. This way you can bring back the nWo, Ricky Steamboat, or anything you want. Because these games are very mechanical and it can be hard to get your opponent to do what you would like them to do in order to recreate a classic match, an E-Fed can be a fun way to interact with other fans and make things more subjective. You can create your very own unique wrestler and type up your own promos. While it is up to the person running the E-Fed to make the decisions, it is still an interesting way to have a more realistic and creative outlet. If this still feels too out of control, writing up your own fantasy matches and storylines can be very satisfying. You can go as over the top as you want, whether it be bringing back a wrestler from the dead or having a 10 foot monster participate in your show. The only limits are the boundaries of your creativity. 2 D! m  v9 ?# N* k4 w& _2 L
    If you thought any of the above were bordering on Dungeons & Dragons nerdish then prepare to cross the line into the realm of the truly pathetic. This next one is for the more addicted fans. Growing up as a kid I used to play with action figures with my cousins. We were damn good too. We'd make all the sound effects and come up with some pretty elaborate scenarios. We would use our imaginations to maximize the potential of our playing sessions. One action figure could be used as 3 different people and the objects around us would become props. As I got older and became a wrestling fan I started buying wrestling action figures. Now, I don't mean I collected them and they sat in their original packaging on my shelf. I mean I played with them and wore them out until they fell apart and their paint rubbed off. I didn't do anything like use one of those TitanTron rings, as I felt they were too constraining, but I used my imagination to make a few good action figures into an entire roster and beyond. My favorite were the WCW action figures because they had more versatility and mobility. I would just pretend that DDP was Triple H and Goldberg was Stone Cold. I was a hardcore player. I didn't like crappy toys that kept their limbs straight and held a stupid pose. I wanted to play the right way. And I did. I spent a lot of time dreaming up storylines, pushing a particular wrestler beyond the accomplishments of anything Hulk Hogan or The Rock could ever fathom. The spot fests that were my bookings would make Amazing Red vs. Teddy Hart look like a grounded technical match. Of course as I got older I started playing less and when I did play it was very secretive. I think I would rather be caught masturbating than playing with toys. Each year I would promise myself that after my birthday I would stop. I would even have my last session and believe that that was that. But I didn't stop. It kept going for a few more years. Now I can finally say that I haven't even looked at those toys for quite a long time. I believe that is mostly due to the fact that my favorite ones fell apart after years of hard playing. But I'd like to think it's really because I grew out of it and I'm not addicted any more. At least that's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night. . x, Q& L3 k. f' d) W( m+ W: d0 N
    Something else that I thought of, but have not tried yet, is playing games while watching wrestling. I've heard of fans playing drinking games sometimes while they have their friends over. For example, every time Stone Cold said "What?!" they would take a big gulp or every time Jerry Lawler yelled "Puppies!" they would take a drink. Even if you can't exactly play the drinking game, there are other games that can be played. For example, get a friend and make some kind of a wager on who will say or do something more than the other. Let's say one of you thinks that the word "Cool" will be mentioned many times by the commentators during Carlito's match, and the other thinks that Jim Ross will call Kane a monster more often during his match. Simply tally up the stats and that winner gets whatever the agreement was. Another fun thing could be to set the TV to mute and add funny commentary to the match or promos with your friends, like Mystery Science Theatre 3000 on Sci-Fi. There are probably 100 more games or other things to do while watching wrestling, but the point is that you don't just have to stare blankly at the screen. You can interact at all times. # a2 C' z8 e' c+ X
    While a lot of entertaining things that can be fun may interfere with the drama of certain situations and ruin a good match, it can also enhance the rest of the show. Let's face it, a lot of matches just plain suck. A lot of promos are drawn out and boring. A lot of vignettes are just silly and irritating. So why not make the best of a bad situation and have fun? It can be great to be a fan if you work at it. Put your imagination to work. When you get annoyed with Chris Masters vs. Gene Snitsky, imagine that Goofy is kicking Donald Duck's ass in there instead. There is a time to be serious as a fan, but at the end of the day it's entertainment and you wouldn't be watching it if it were for any other purpose. So enjoy the moment to the fullest and never let yourself get bored as a wrestling fan again. ( w! e+ H7 t4 `+ T/ g- @
    -Mike Steele 0 `5 B# J% B$ S; h. i7 K

    5 `9 a5 ~; c( G9 k# YI created a brand MySpace account just for the purpose of interacting with my readers. So add me as a friend if you want updates on when I post my new columns and extra stuff like show reviews and such.
    * `6 K1 u- i( @9 W3 _) X3 h  J
    7 _1 k0 K/ g% t' J; F9 s* p; T1 X) C[ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-17 00:20 编辑 ]


    发表于 2006-8-16 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
    楼主翻译的不错~感谢  立刻加分
    ' k7 [) u/ ]7 Q' }7 `. k) j2 ~) G4 Z  Q
    [ 本帖最后由 侠疯千里 于 2006-8-16 23:14 编辑 ]
  • TA的每日心情

    2016-2-25 03:16
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    发表于 2006-8-16 23:19 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2013-3-16 14:53
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    发表于 2006-8-17 01:30 | 显示全部楼层
    感謝翻譯!: j, ?: C- A2 P/ A0 S* }) W
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-2 14:48
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2006-8-17 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
    谢谢楼主的翻译  好文章


    发表于 2006-8-17 22:52 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-17 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情

    2024-5-2 13:18
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    发表于 2006-8-18 00:27 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-18 12:38 | 显示全部楼层
    ' K0 T9 U! ~2 R4 Z& DD&D确实是龙于地下城规则,但是按照一段的说明,这里的D&D就不单单只是指背景设定了,应该是利用龙于地下城玩家手册的游戏方式,本身利用玩家手册是可以自己进行纸上游戏,自行创造任务进行游戏的,就象一段中自行创造人物进行游戏一样。暗黑破坏神和WAR以及WOW这几个游戏基本上只是简化到不能再简化的规则,几乎可以说同DD没有太大关系。
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-18 12:54 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 mysterio619 于 2006-8-18 12:38 发表
    ( ~' a' n7 {6 u+ R' M: K觉得楼主的注释2有点问题,
    0 d" I% k1 R0 V: R& B4 F6 a2 ZD&D确实是龙于地下城规则,但是按照一段的说明,这里的D&D就不单单只是指背景设定了,应该是利用龙于地下城玩家手册的游戏方式,本身利用玩家手册是可以自己进行纸上游戏,自 ...
      Q7 M2 ?% P( j
    . M  L1 m7 a& Y% ^If you thought any of the above were bordering on Dungeons & Dragons nerdish
    6 K: d$ u+ X* F3 m5 ]2 s我觉得作者的意思大概是以d&d作为繁琐的典范了,就像我们现在说“人不能太陈凯歌”一样,所以从字面流畅的角度来讲,才按我的想法翻过来的/ `$ u( d! \8 N2 K" `7 u
    对于D&D我不是十分的了解,或者说那几个游戏都是有D&D背景的比较好。就好象国内的游戏大多脱离不了武侠一样,西方的游戏也总是多少跟D&D有着这样那样的联系〔当然了,象二战题材的那种不算-_-〕& x+ L& p* J0 [8 q/ H) B
    & F; D& w8 b7 p7 s1 I" W: f: i$ O" ]
    [ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-18 12:56 编辑 ]


    发表于 2006-8-18 21:52 | 显示全部楼层
    謝了好文章 太多先回再看


    发表于 2006-8-19 19:44 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-20 10:59 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2006-8-27 23:29 | 显示全部楼层
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