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Bound by blood and fate--热血与宿命的飞翔:Hardy Boyz专访

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


    发表于 2006-8-5 15:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    鉴于Jeff的回归,在官网又正好看到这篇,就作了这第三篇翻译文章,请诸位继续指出不足。/ A4 [& M/ a1 B* ?& g
    8 ?1 q6 I5 O2 L& i- B$ t1 s1 O
    Bound by blood and fate
    + U: A% ?  f7 n( l  N热血与宿命的飞翔
    * W% |) H! V6 G8 i  j9 v/ d" B原文作者 Craig Tello,发表于WWE.com
    / I9 n4 p' c/ H7 W% v" X1 dAugust 4, 2006
    3 @$ }; ]! w/ x6 s" b/ r4 X3 C
    , r; X3 W3 p( M7 e伴随着人们的重新关注,Jeff Hardy正准备与他兄弟Matt恢复双打组合,回到他13年前开始自己职业生涯的地方。$ t: N/ B$ h& S. z' q7 R

    / T; U" F- K5 i8 z: q, b7 a就像WWE.com上报道的一样,原明星Jeff Hardy已经再次被WWE雇用了,合同期限三年,从他离开tna后起算。就象在WWE上表现出来的那样,Jeff三年前突然的成绩下滑是由于吸食毒品上瘾所导致的。在拒绝接受戒毒治疗之后,他在2003年五月离开WWE。
    / t; @0 ^8 `8 p+ Z, X6 K5 x+ t! z0 O+ L3 P( g
    WWE.com在Jeff和Matt开车回他们的家乡北卡罗来纳州的路上采访了沉思中的Jeff。Jeff诚恳地谈到了他2003年离开WWE的事情,他不关注他在哪,而只关注他将要去的地方。2 A) m! C! C* D5 @! R
    2 r; |# k9 `6 ~1 Q! Q  L7 ~, n( g
    “我不需要〔平反〕,”Jeff坚决地说,“当我离开WWE的时候,并不完全是拜毒品所赐。我没有通过那么多药检,因为我根本没在意…没在意可能不会再让我摔角。我的一种想法是,它可能只是离开〔摔角〕的一种途径,”他补充道。“那都是过去了,忘了吧。我现在处于一个积极的位置…可以激励我的位置。”7 V+ j! ]' I" C" s3 s; a
    ( j, z7 Z: c; Z0 h
    3 r5 R  T; _7 [
    ! l$ B/ M& K: v “我很乐意不再提起那些东西,”他说。“我很乐意听到:‘他回来了,他完全压制了’(译者注:此处原文为he’s full throttle)。”
    3 h9 R' ]' Q) f! Q
    3 q) m/ |1 W/ gJeff幼年时妈妈就去世了,接下来的几年中,对前途的迷茫使他对爸爸更加亲近了。4 c  m3 H+ e( s1 \9 Y; X
    - a* _* G: F% _2 n
    “我曾经跟着我爸爸,”Jeff说。“〔我们〕一起度过了很长时间;我们建立了一个不错的牧场。现在我生命中最重要的一件事就是确保我爸爸充实地度过下半辈子。”0 d* k& ]. v; H! T  |! s. O" H

    ) E  Q6 V9 H  L6 q/ V话题跳回他的家庭,Jeff解释道在他离开后他就每周在电视上关注他的兄弟Matt,他很期待与昔日搭档在比赛中及人生道路上的重组。
    2 ^% g# ~* c* e0 `$ P
    - I- H! u- }; t0 f2 F; e" {: k6 Y “两者〔Matt和我〕共有的是Pearl Jam(译者注:一支乐队)和〔竞技娱乐〕。我们在摔角上的创造力是举世无双的。我们的创造――动作,新想法――简直一发而不可收拾。”
    # t: s+ I# w6 E+ b$ N7 t  h" u) T# Y7 j0 k: N
    对于Jeff回归竞技娱乐和WWE,大概没人比Matt Hardy更兴奋。1 |0 y$ m% B9 H  O- b! t( @/ w0 u/ ?

    ! f/ L1 P7 ?% T7 } “不管发生了什么-历经艰难困苦-〔Jeff和我〕又在一起了。WWE是他的家,他又可以摔角了(译者注:原文为he was put on this earth to wrestle),”Matt兴高采烈地说。“我对他能回到WWE感到相当的高兴。这使我禁不住开始期盼未来。”
    1 `6 Q- G; S' d) _5 N7 D" S8 Z* H3 W' ^8 r3 m
    “原WWE和WCW的Tag Team Champions(译者注:就是hardy哥俩)感到同样的兴奋,因为他们即将重组,可以再次产生能激发WWE迷并影响WWE的tag team比赛格局的化学反应。”
    # x7 B6 |% n/ {+ i/ F- e0 t
    % ?% ?! i0 p9 I6 F “我最想念的是你能在其面前进行表演的观众群,”Jeff充满激情地解释道。“比起其它的来,我更想念这个。〔那种感觉〕是非常独特的。”) }/ Q2 ?9 C/ Q3 r  @
    ; Z+ a% V3 S: c4 ?
    “我热爱与Jeff再次组合,”Matt补充道。“他喜欢参加比赛(译者注:原文是He loves to go out there ),娱乐观众并鼓动他们,告诉观众我们可以取得出乎意料之外的成功。我们是两个 可以使比赛变成超一流水平 的普通人。我们想告诉大家这样一件事。如果你有梦想,”他说。“你就可以追赶,你就可以实现。”+ p6 T( ~% a8 Z; A. c7 ]6 |' u
    ' e* Z9 ~' q6 [# {: j6 _
    在从家里看了整整三年比赛后,无拘无束的Jeff Hardy将重新体验他在WWE比赛中的激情。无论是否和他的兄弟组成双打,他不安地等待新的冒险机会,再创新高并追逐新的冠军腰带,即使他们在绳圈上方20英尺处悬空也可以(译者注:应该指的是高空梯子赛吧)。
    6 g. i* Z" i, C7 G$ j% P, z( Z3 T5 {! l6 P, u; T5 J& k2 r; J$ \
    “我已经准备好面对更危险的挑战了(译者注:原文直译意为从更高的梯子上跳下砸穿更厚的桌子),”Jeff说。“我只想飞。”# i1 p% n/ @& x& y

    4 e& L% ?1 I; _全文完* n8 A# ~' o* O- A, n5 l. e

    % I# l9 I: H# v& C& i1 }2 s6 z2 U, ~, }' V! y3 ]0 }  O$ g

      ]: g9 }3 E4 b# L, ]7 @# A+ L% }3 l+ ]) S, Q

    1 j7 \) F" r4 X1 g( t9 f9 H* u6 G/ R: r8 C1 D9 O7 h
    ! x+ |' @0 r: K+ u; }7 Y" [3 I6 \8 m
    另,个人评论:实际上我并没有看过他们的比赛,matt每次出场时用力上下挥动肘部的动作总让我想起老母鸡,呵呵,基本matt的比赛也是跳过。然而传说中hardy boyz相当有名气,打的比赛也不错,于是和大家一起期待他们的重组,至少从官网这则新闻的目录名字来看,他们是一定会重组的
      [: {3 Q/ k; W7 D! M& D4 O2 N6 h
    ) S8 {3 [8 j5 I; v" V" z# S5 M1 \' l+ A[ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-5 16:21 编辑 ]





    发表于 2006-8-5 15:46 | 显示全部楼层
    上午看过这篇文章了。。- i, Q9 C: p! h9 k6 V
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-5 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 rockwei 于 2006-8-5 15:46 发表9 ?/ n& R! \1 o5 _
    上午看过这篇文章了。。2 m! d* h" Z; Z

    8 r% f2 q5 g, V) s: x/:>在官网看的吗?还是已经有人翻译过了?
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-5 15:53 | 显示全部楼层
    原文地址:: n4 @7 {! @' a3 s* H* q/ ~
    http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/hardyboyzreunion! S- y4 ]- R: w, ?/ u6 ^
    英文原文:. ~( H% L( Q& q- S( `2 ~1 d
    Bound by blood and fate& T. F" a+ S+ [/ @. ]: @0 m0 I
    By Craig Tello8 s( S8 O  L9 R$ ?, `, f
    August 4, 20064 d  \; p4 A% I* ~$ q
    / E3 p9 ~" ~- E, r6 V$ ]5 S# c
    3 C; C) E) s- L; M3 L/ ^
    Refocused and rehabilitated, Jeff Hardy is prepared to join his brother, Matt, as he returns to the place where he began his career 13 years ago.
    : [3 V3 [& [* j0 n  U) z2 z2 K4 Y" R9 ~, f
    As reported on WWE.com, former Superstar Jeff Hardy has been rehired by World Wrestling Entertainment, more than three years after his release from the company. Showing up late for a slew of WWE events and with his in-ring performance slipping, Jeff’s sudden descent three years ago was reportedly the result of a poisonous drug addiction. After refusing to go into drug rehabilitation, Hardy was released from WWE in May 2003. ( _7 h; J' W) J5 P+ F9 S# x$ n3 s
    + k* i$ l; G) j2 H$ `$ ?
    WWE.com spoke with a reflective Jeff Hardy who was driving through his home state of North Carolina with his brother, SmackDown Superstar Matt Hardy. Talking honestly about his release from WWE in 2003, Jeff said he isn’t as focused on where he’s been, but rather on where he’s going.: s7 e# C; h3 r  W& s2 _

    ( z0 }+ c; z$ C- p" W  @“I didn’t need [rehab],” said Jeff adamantly. “When I was released from WWE, it wasn’t just about demons or demonic metaphors that relate to drug use. I failed numerous drug tests because I just didn’t care…didn’t care to wrestle anymore. A sense of me believes that it might have just been a way out [of wrestling],” he added. "That’s in the past, and that’s forgotten about. I’m in a positive place now…and that’s what motivates me.”
    ( f6 C' L) l) H
    & A. b) U% P5 b7 d' N, \$ V3 i' K' MIntent on starting anew, Jeff said he doesn’t want to be referred to as “the one who overcame his demons” when he returns to WWE.
    $ R: R0 c; S, }; r/ B# {) d8 C  ?6 [2 u
    5 v* E* F4 z* y5 m& V5 j. ?$ S, y: z1 Y' W- O# }
    “I’d really like to drop that,” he said. “I’d rather it be: ‘He’s back, and he’s full throttle’.”
    5 @5 T& J( l) M1 X1 C/ V% y2 r8 _2 o9 Z: g- T
    Having lost his mother at an early age, Jeff said that being off the road for the last few years has afforded him the opportunity to become close with his and Matt’s father.# |9 u: e6 j' t6 @( u

    . V% q& F, {* D- K2 B9 ?! }“I’ve been hanging out with my dad,” Jeff said. “[We] have spent a load of time together; we’ve built a good pasture. One of the most important things to me in life right now is to making sure my dad lives his life to its fullest for the rest of his life.”
    ( |& x! Q  r+ f7 [
    ) ^4 t7 `; P" v. `4 C& gBound to his family, Jeff explained that he’s watched his brother, Matt, on television every week since his departure and he is looking forward to once again joining his former partner in the ring and on the road.. Z/ }3 R/ e$ w+ ^

    , S$ O( F: `: [& n6 ~9 Y" w- v“Two things [Matt and I] have in common more than anything are Pearl Jam and [sports entertainment]. Our creativity when it comes to wrestling is pretty much unparalleled. The things we created – the moves, the new ideas – it just flowed.”+ y$ Y) }* i, J" E/ g# U

    3 ]2 }. o8 ~$ J6 f' @* L/ i. lPossibly no one is more excited about Jeff’s return to sports-entertainment and WWE than Matt Hardy.
    - J, V  _9 [+ \
    / R% h4 x& n2 w“Regardless of what’s happened – through thick and thin – [Jeff and I are] there for each other. WWE is his home, and he was put on this earth to wrestle,” said an elated Matt. “I’m ecstatic that he’s coming back home. It makes me look forward to the future.”
    " I+ T( s# ?7 g9 Q: p  h' r
    6 s4 I5 {' T  @3 k$ `The former WWE and WCW Tag Team Champions are equally excited about potentially teaming together and displaying the dynamic in-ring chemistry that both electrified WWE fans and forever altered the WWE tag team landscape.
    7 [, w8 p7 N5 V8 h( i( V) k( R) Q
    % o, d0 o# A! Z2 q" I“What I’ve missed most are the massive crowds that you perform in front of,” Jeff explained passionately. “I’ve missed that more than anything. [The feeling is] untouchable.”6 ?$ W5 A4 G# p  d

    6 f  @0 d$ h0 `% U8 O% x" ~4 J* f“I would love nothing more than to team with Jeff again,” added Matt. “He loves to go out there and entertain fans and inspire people and tell them they can beat the odds. We were two normal guys who made it to the big time. We want to send that message out to other people. If you have a dream,” he said, “you can chase it. You can do it.”! {% Y, L& w7 P- N! T

    ( ^1 h- m) h0 v  n( YAfter watching from home for three full years, the free-spirited Jeff Hardy will soon relive his passion in a WWE ring. Whether it be in singles action or teaming with his brother, he anxiously awaits the chance to take new risks, reach new heights and pursue new championships, even if they are suspended 20 feet above the ring.; Z6 K+ p& w1 H) R! h
    2 ]: d! B/ L8 a& R0 w7 k/ h
    “I’m ready to jump off bigger ladders and go through thicker tables,” Jeff said. “I just gotta let it fly.”
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-5 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 tata 于 2006-8-5 15:56 发表
    / ^, d1 ?* r) U8 d谢谢楼主翻译,现在在玩三国志11吗?
      T0 L9 P1 }9 v
    2 @# K# F+ e4 `7 x- K日文版的已经玩过了,繁中的不打算玩,反正只有文字变了而已,等出pk再玩中文版


    发表于 2006-8-5 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-2-24 15:12
  • 签到天数: 12 天


    发表于 2006-8-5 16:09 | 显示全部楼层
    Jeff的回归无疑对现在的SD双打甚至是WWE的双打又有了新的冲击!$ y. t3 e+ g  q
    Hardy Boyz不需要冠军,他们只需要传奇。
    5 P- s; q$ [3 \& c5 W( m3 D. i续写传奇才是Hardy Boyz未来的目标!' s: O& `5 T% F& W6 F
    # i0 ^8 j0 x& A' G  k2 H% |) X
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-5 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 zhybcc 于 2006-8-5 16:11 发表& B- N9 N7 q7 ^  m' ~* o" M
    % M+ `1 N5 g; ~0 ~! k3 l
    6 B, ]% E, l) p% }' p2 P感谢建议


    发表于 2006-8-5 16:41 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-5 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
    我很担心Jeff的身体 他经历了毒品和对摔角的极度低潮后是否还能恢复到先前的状态 还是会以另一个形象回归?借此让他慢慢找状态


    发表于 2006-8-5 16:52 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-5 17:40 | 显示全部楼层
    很让人振奋的消息啊  我跟LZ一样  没看过HAEDY BOYZ的比赛$ D  [. ^# i5 S7 R2 Y

    : ]9 l. H9 B0 U1 O- P很期待啊!


    发表于 2006-8-5 17:54 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-5 20:30 | 显示全部楼层
    不管什麼,就是熱愛HARDY BOYZ!


    发表于 2006-8-5 20:52 | 显示全部楼层
    5 I! B* w8 j2 R- j慢慢看
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