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Edge shares a slice of Cold Pizza--Edge在ESPN上的访谈(完成)

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


    发表于 2006-8-1 03:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    ) Y2 Q4 p0 p: @. @# O& P# }1 t. i6 C# c$ A
    Edge shares a slice of Cold Pizza(译者:字面意为Edge分到一片冷匹萨,实际上Cold Pizza是ESPN的一个访谈节目,这个标题可以理解为“Edge参加了ESPN的Cold Pizza节目”)8 `; ~3 m5 i7 }; P; y

    ; Y; |9 u1 t0 x: e7 V1 h原文作者Craig Tello,发表于wwe.com4 B" p! ]6 U4 c
    2 O+ G% `( t% z% Z) j' \
    July 31, 20068 Y, M: N/ A# u" G; H" d
    ! f- z* v. X; P: [, n/ s# e
    尽管没有四根角柱和粗糙的绳圈垫,周一上午R级明星依然在ESPN的“冷比萨”节目中作出了精彩的秀(译者:原文是instant impact,字面意思是直接的冲击)。节目主持人是Jay Crawford,WWE冠军Edge拎着金光闪闪又镶了钻的冠军腰带进入了ESPN的摄影棚,与之相伴的是整个摄影棚羡慕的目光(译者:原文为bling envy,bling这个词由美国hip-top艺人创造,意指穿名牌衣服与戴璀璨珠宝,envy是羡慕,嫉妒。)。
    . D' J3 v2 p/ v) `+ _$ _
    " P( \1 ~- {2 o& B2 y! vEdge紧紧抱着他的WWE冠军腰带,对他童年希望成为WWE冠军的梦想,以及在今年一月的New Year’s Revolution上对这个梦想的实现进行了回忆。
    - I- H- s0 r- p2 o! S7 k( `
    1 c; o" n5 I; m! W5 W “当我还是个孩子的时候,我说这就是我想要作的。我想要成为一名摔角手,”R级明星更坦白的说。
    2 k6 L6 H8 d3 Q8 k/ D; |+ I2 ]* Z1 [3 A( g2 h
    高中时同学们都认为egde是他们中间最有可能获得wwe冠军的人(译者:感谢四楼提供译法,的确很长知识),Edge对Crawford解释道,他的职业生涯中最令人兴奋的就是他不止赢得了一次WWE冠军,而是两次。. s5 H3 L- K% W" v+ c2 N; {

    * G( J: i1 y5 e2 o
    , Q5 Q* v2 t7 w4 I2 Z “在任何行业中,你想要成为顶尖〔的人〕….一切都实现的时候,就是一切都终结的时候(译者:原文the be all, end all,着实是看不太明白,望指正),”Edge说。“〔成为冠军是〕令人难以想象的。”; D  O+ b, G# z5 l

    / k3 f# c7 y& e$ t6 s3 u9 s! PEdge和Crawford随之比较了Edge的标志性动作――the Spear――与非摔角选手作类似动作的区别,包括法国球星Zinedine Zidane,后者在世界杯决赛中用头顶了对手的胸膛(译者:这俩人真搞笑,spear也拿来跟齐秃那一下比,呵呵)& p: U+ m8 o0 r  ?" ~

    - j& `9 ]. e+ F+ ]; \3 j9 L “与头部相比,我用的更多的是肩部,”WWE冠军谈到他在国际足联的模仿者(译者:也就是齐达内)时这样说,“如果我要〔对齐达内〕使出spear的话,我会将他撞成两半。”
    ( ~1 e2 j) p% M1 Q$ O! P5 K6 y/ G7 c) Z& c  P
    Crawford认为在世界上到处都可以找到spear的踪影,他又询问了Edge 哪些其它项目的选手可能登上WWE的擂台并在某种形式上成为WWE的明星。除了NHL(译者:美国曲棍球联盟)的击球手Scott Stevens之外,R级明星还认为芝加哥熊队(译者:一支橄榄球队,感谢15楼提醒)的后卫,同时也是WWE的爱好者Brian Urlacher可能在WWE中取得成功。$ }: y/ ^) ]- C4 F
    2 ]* v( n. a3 e2 p* Y# {* e
    “〔Urlacher〕具备了必需的条件:愚蠢(译者:这词没什么褒义吧。。。。汗),顽强,而且无所畏惧”,Edge说。* Q* ^5 k) s4 _; _* |# ^* N7 `

    : N7 N) [- o) SWWE冠军也忙于以自己为主题的ESPN测试(译者:原文The WWE Champion also engaged in a self-themed round of ESPN speed trivia,最后俩词连一起是测验的意思,类似现在网络上流传的各种测试),内容是自己与U2乐队的主吉他手〔The Edge〕和Arizona Cardinals队(译者:一支nhl球队)的 Edgerrin “The Edge” James(译者:Edgerrin James是一名nhl选手,The Edge是他绰号)的区别。测试完毕后,R级明星继续拿自己的名字开玩笑,他对主持人说“在WWE节目中,你甚至无法坐在你座位的边缘上(译者:edge一词在英语中意为边缘、锋刃,此处Edge将自己的名字作了个双关,意为现场气氛会很好,所有观众都会站着看比赛)。”
    ( q0 K. n+ c0 M: o  p( B3 J) t3 @' l& j5 f) b: n9 ?
    5 p# S  Q3 c4 e% }% a  ~5 W$ ]$ P3 v- y
    $ V3 p/ C, w8 q' F. ^' c- m* V, t+ E: u9 ?0 w
    [ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-2 12:03 编辑 ]




    taoyifeng 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2006-8-1 03:18 | 显示全部楼层
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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-1 03:19 | 显示全部楼层
    & B$ i. F* H4 e3 phttp://www.wwe.com/inside/news/edgecoldpizza# o7 C3 E, `  M0 w, F
    英文全文:- I* f+ q0 n( t
    Edge shares a slice of Cold Pizza
    ; N# ]  E) o2 @By Craig Tello
    : Z6 e/ e& C% L  X, r1 n& |July 31, 2006
    / }: e. W; }2 [+ V: n' w9 F
    ! P6 [7 Q6 s% S8 S6 b
    9 A: f0 O) @- n; ]) A0 ?Despite the absence of four corners and a coarse ring mat, The Rated-R Superstar made instant impact Monday morning on ESPN’s Cold Pizza. Interviewed by Pizza host Jay Crawford, WWE Champion Edge entered the ESPN Studio toting the gold and diamond spinning championship belt, inducing studio-wide “bling envy.”
    * w5 T; s6 l3 @' I, Q4 d& S5 ?# X
    - D6 x9 o" i% V' T2 OKeeping his WWE Championship close, Edge talked about the pursuit of his childhood dream of becoming WWE Champion and the fulfillment of his dream at New Year’s Revolution this past January.
    ! n: c- O: A9 @4 i( Z
    1 M) q* \, J; h  \1 E" O“When I was a kid, I said this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a wrestler,” offered a more candid Rated-R Superstar.
    + `2 j9 F! p. D8 R" f/ n# a9 o. K, s- A
    Voted “Most Likely to Be WWE Champion” in high school, Edge explained to Crawford that the most exciting moment of his career was winning the WWE Championship not once, but twice.' k9 r3 m% P# o& [5 y
    0 b7 d7 K( p" @/ |
    “In any industry, you want to be the top [person]…the be all, end all,” said Edge. “[Being the champion is] pretty surreal.”
    : r  p2 \+ U5 p6 E& J3 `& y% w) Z3 N3 V5 Z
    ( f1 Y, h- }8 u/ g
    Edge and Crawford then compared Edge’s signature move – the Spear – to physicality of other athletes outside of the ring, including French soccer star Zinedine Zidane, who headbutted an opposing player in the chest during the World Cup Finals.. ?6 g4 ?' R, }- {7 g5 G* f

    2 o! u  K$ p  u, A8 y“I go more shoulder than head,” said the WWE Champion of his FIFA imitator. “If I was to spear [Zidane], I’d break him in half.”
    % D+ P' q7 L/ Y! q6 P( i2 w2 L. p: J+ T# J
    Agreeing that the Spear might be catching on all over the globe, Crawford asked Edge about athletes who could potentially cross over into the squared circle and find some form of success as WWE Superstars. In addition to the NHL’s hard-hitting Scott Stevens, The Rated-R Superstar said that Chicago Bears linebacker and WWE fan Brian Urlacher might have what it takes to enter a WWE ring.
    4 W8 ?$ ^7 ~* ^% e4 y
      P: g2 b! _* j; r9 x/ P“[Urlacher’s] got the right mentality: stupid, stubborn, and fearless,” said Edge., |. p$ e% [. A* k$ r) _
    ! z/ @, g) m. f9 G4 G0 _
    The WWE Champion also engaged in a self-themed round of ESPN speed trivia, identifying lead guitarist for U2 (The Edge) and Arizona Cardinals’ Edgerrin “The Edge” James. Continuing the banter, The Rated R Superstar told his host that “at a WWE event, you wouldn’t even sit on the “edge” of your seat.”
    # h' r5 E. x4 n1 h* C, b; W; f0 P3 Y% N/ C/ \: T3 C# I# o* U$ e
    “You’d be standing,” promised the WWE Champion.


    发表于 2006-8-1 10:25 | 显示全部楼层
    Voted “Most Likely to Be WWE Champion” in high school
    ( q8 R; X3 r) V9 ~, F8 c8 b0 C* k4 A( O
    In American high schools there are always this kind of vote going around, such as most likely to be a rock star, most likely to be a football player, most likely to be the president and so on. Voted “Most Likely to Be WWE Champion” in high school means the other students in that school thought Edge was the most likely guy to win the WWE championship.
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-1 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
    % G& D9 _4 F# c, t意思就是edge高中时同学们都认为egde是他们中间最有可能获得wwe冠军的人,对吧?
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-1 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
    1 c6 }. k" u5 N8 c5 r7 {6 Hhttp://www.19977.com/thread-28906-1-2.html# J: Q; c- |, r+ ~


    发表于 2006-8-1 14:12 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-1 11:33 发表- `* H& N6 G. g/ i3 u
    另外能不能麻烦四楼帮我看下这篇文章  ^& Y( Q; e. d. p* C
    http://www.19977.com/thread-28906-1-2.html9 W; \7 ~  i3 U# U* E8 B2 {

    / n4 u& I! q7 B! S. `6 n. q$ Z/ I- z  z1 _
    语实俱禁: You're absolutely right. "vote" can be used both as a noun and verb.
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-1 14:17 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 seapumas 于 2006-8-1 14:12 发表
    ( N. h: J- J# I; W' p1 b& t4 R* z5 o. ]4 H- P2 q# E
    $ Q. R+ S! ~! [; A# b6 G
    语实俱禁: You're absolutely right. "vote" can be used both as a noun and verb.

    $ X4 \# c2 n7 R2 A1 T1 j4 J非常感谢,这两篇文章中的这个vote都很困扰我,谢谢


    发表于 2006-8-1 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
    Hey, glad to help.You did all the hard work,buddy.
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-1 14:23 | 显示全部楼层
    . R3 o' `4 P) a& X1 o不在乎精华和点击回复数量什么的,随便翻着玩,也提高一下自己的翻译水平,嘿嘿


    发表于 2006-8-1 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
    THX AR!
    2 @0 ?: J$ z# ?, ^% n" jEDGE IS THE BEST!


    发表于 2006-8-1 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
    感谢翻译 编辑完后再给你加分吧
    $ m, \, D) t$ D5 l# u2 {另 注意 不要版聊...
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-2 00:31 | 显示全部楼层
    原帖由 侠疯千里 于 2006-8-1 22:06 发表! Z/ I: W# [) S5 q. L
    感谢翻译 编辑完后再给你加分吧
    6 I$ s( y& ^  U- A# j另 注意 不要版聊...

    # B" X$ u8 L9 ^% N3 n5 \  x呃。。。属于讨论关于文章翻译的问题吧,我会注意的


    发表于 2006-8-2 01:17 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-2 09:12 | 显示全部楼层
    芝加哥熊队 是一支橄榄球队
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