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[新闻] 10月14日新闻--关于Paige离开WWE

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-6-21 00:03
  • 签到天数: 11 天


    发表于 2022-10-14 13:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    1.Rapper Post Malone在Madison Square Garden in New York City举办背靠背活动,周三Triple H和Stephanie

    2.据报道当Saraya(Paige)夏天合同到期时,Vince McMahon和John Laurinaitis不和她续约。

    Fightful Select报道Saraya在6月10日发现她和WWE解约并公开宣布。她随后在7月10日合同到期成为自由人。据指出


    据报道新的WWE政体给Saraya提供了General Manager角色。这个offer大约是在她的合同没有续约后约一个月。



    Triple H和他的政体确实努力让Saraya回归融合,据说双方有积极的关系。据说当Saraya的合同没有被旧政体续约时
    Triple H感到震惊。


    3.NXT Superstar Arianna Grace透露自己受伤需要手术,但没说具体伤势。

    4.Matt Riddle和Minoru Suzuki一起参加了Orange County的一个训练项目。Riddle发了合影。

    这张照片加剧了WWE和NJPW合作关系的猜测。周一的RAW中Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson回归,而The Machine
    Gun仍然持有NJPW’s IWGP NEVER Openweight championship。他预计会在近期赛事中丢掉腰带。

    5.Edge将在新的Disney+系列The God of War中扮演角色,加入Percy Jackson and The Olympians演员阵容。

    6.Alberto Del Rio接受采访时说和Triple H在今年早些时候有过沟通,并表示希望回归WWE。



    IMPACT Wrestling
    1.Chris Bey和Impact Wrestling续约多年。

    2.Fightful Select透露Eric Young的合同没有在今年夏天到期,而是至少要到今年底。

    相关消息,Crazzy Steve也仍然和Impact有合同,今年不会到期。

    NWA & MLW & GCW
    1.MLW宣布the New Era British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Billington Bulldogs)将在Fightland ’22进行联盟
    首秀,对抗the Bomaye Fight Club。

    AEW & ROH

    2.Anthony Bowens透露和Danielle Fishel拍摄电影。

    3.Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer报道Adam Cole的脑震荡仍然没有100%康复,有一些由于脑震荡严重程度


    5.MJF接受采访时说AEW应该签下MLW Champion Alexander Hammerstone。

    6.周四在the Coca-Cola Coliseum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada录制的10月18日AEW Dark:

    * Taz and Excalibur were on commentary. Dasha did ring announcing

    * Zack Clayton defeated Shane Saber in a quick match

    * Hikaru Shida defeated Vanessa Kraven

    * Danhausen defeated James Stone

    * The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, 10, John Silver) defeated Zack Patterson, Tyler Tirva, Shayne Hawke
    and JT Producer

    * Eddie Kingston and Ortiz defeated Mo Jabari and Jake O’Reilly

    * AEW All-Atlantic Champion Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta defeated Jessie V, Steven Mainz and
    Kobe Durst

    * Willow Nightingale defeated Seleziya Sparx

    * Dante Martin defeated QT Marshall

    * Ari Daivari defeated Brandon Cutler

    * Athena defeated Alexia Nicole

    * Lance Archer squashed a local wrestler, attacking him during the entrance and dragging him to the ring

    * Aaron Solo defeated Serpentico

    * Serena Deeb and Emi Sakura defeated Taylor Ryzing and one other wrestler

    * Ricky Starks defeated Nick Comoroto


    * Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur and William Regal were on commentary

    * AEW President Tony Khan spoke before the taping and said he’s happy to be in Canada. Strong pop for Khan

    * AEW World Champion Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli defeated The Butcher and The Blade. Adam Page was
    shown watching from backstage. After the match, Moxley and Castagnoli gave babyface promos and Moxley sent
    a warning to Hangman

    * Renee Paquette interviewed Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland backstage. There was some tension between the two
    with Lee questioning the need to cheat to win

    * ROH World Champion Chris Jericho and The Jericho Appreciation Society comes to the ring. Anna Jay introduced
    ROH Pure Champion Daniel Garcia but their promo was interrupted by ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions
    Dalton Castle and The Boys. Castle challenged Jericho and the match was made for next week with Castle vs. Jericho
    with the title on the line

    * Nyla Rose defeated Anna Jay. Vickie Guerrero raised a 1-0 sign for Rose. Rose came out still in possession of the
    AEW TBS Title but champion Jade Cargill and The Baddies attacked Rose and Marina Shafir after the match. Rose
    still managed to escape with Cargill’s title while Cargill fought off security

    * Renee Paquette interviewed The Dark Order backstage. 10 vs. Rush was announced for next week and if 10 wins,
    Rush and his crew must leave The Dark Order alone

    * Ethan Page quickly defeated Isaiah Kassidy. Page got a big ovation from the Canadian crowd. Stokely Hathaway
    tried to get in Kassidy’s face at one point for the interference but Matt Hardy got in his way. Per the stipulation, Hardy
    must now join The Firm. If Kassidy would’ve won, then Private Party were to be released from their contracts with
    The Firm, which were just bought on Dynamite from the Andrade Family Office

    * Mark Henry interviewed the main event participants

    * Shawn Spears and AAA, IWGP & ROH World Tag Team Champions FTR defeated The Embassy’s Brian Cage, Kaun
    and Toa Liona. FTR and Spears had good reactions. After the match, Maria Kanellis, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett came
    out to challenge FTR. Maria cut a heel promo before the heels beat up Spears and FTR. ROH World Television Champion
    Samoa Joe and AEW TNT Champion Wardlow made the save, forcing the heels to retreat to the stage. In what may have
    been a post-show promo, Dax Harwood took the mic and said Bennett and Taven are the Wish.com version of FTR. Spears
    said there’s been a lot of speculation on his future but two months ago his mother passed away, and she was a Perfect
    Ten. Fans chanted for Spears’ mother. Spears said the last Mother’s Day he had with her, he made sure she was the first
    to know that he and Cassie Lee were expecting

    1.NJPW Rumble on 44th公布两场比赛:

    -Kazuchika Okada & Eddie Kingston vs. Jay White & Juice Robinson
    -Provisional KOPW 2022: Shingo Takagi vs. El Phantasmo


    -PWG World Championship: Daniel Garcia (c) vs. Jonathan Gresham
    -Lio Rush vs. "Speedball" Mike Bailey
    -Bandido, Aramis & Komander vs. Laredo Kid, Black Taurus & Latigo
    -Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich
    -Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Myron Reed)
    -Shane Haste vs. Davey Richards
    -Titus Alexander vs. Rey Horus


    (2020年度比赛系列)49-Tanahashi vs Chris Jericho


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