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[新闻] 5月6日新闻--WWE公布一季报

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-6-21 00:03
  • 签到天数: 11 天


    发表于 2022-5-6 07:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    1.Ryback最近在Twitter上痛骂Vince McMahon,并称他已故的母亲是妓女。


    3.Nikki Bella将主持the USA Network的一个名人游戏节目Barmageddon。



    -收入333.4百万美元,增长27%,单季度记录;营业利润92.4百万美元,增长42%;经调整的OIBDA 111.7百万美元,



    -公布了和MBC Group——中东和北非地区最大的组织——的播出合作,播出WWE premium live events、RAW和
    SmackDown,以及WWE Network的视频库。


    -公司旗舰游戏最新版WWE 2K22获得大量购买需求和好评。


    -WrestleMania连续两晚在AT&T Stadium in Dallas进行,观众合计156,352人。WrestleMania成为公司历史上收入

    -WrestleMania是历史上收看最多的WWE premium live event。全球观众增长54%,国内数字增长61%,

    -WrestleMania是Peacock上观众第二多的赛事,仅落后于Super Bowl LVI。

    -WrestleMania获得2.2十亿社交媒体参与,超过Super Bowl LVI的1.8十亿。


    5.5.5,NXT UK:
    -Tiger Turan defeats Tate Mayfairs (4:03)
    -Damon Kemp defeats Danny Jones (4:15)
    -WWE NXT UK Women's Title World Of Darkness Match:Meiko Satomura (c) defeats Isla Dawn (12:48)

    IMPACT Wrestling
    1.Impact Wrestling宣布5月录制的一些比赛:

    * El Phantasmo vs. Kenny King
    * The Good Brothers vs. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett
    * Impact World Champion Josh Alexander and Tomohiro Ishii vs. Jay White and Chris Bey
    * Gauntlet For The Gold (presumably for a future Impact World Title shot)

    NWA & MLW & GCW
    1.MLW宣布Myron Reed将在5月13日Kings of Colosseum中防御MLW Middleweight championship,对抗KC
    Navarro and Arez in a triple-threat match。

    2.MLW将在Kings of Colosseum加冕首任Women’s Champion。Court Bauer在接受采访时透露了新的MLW
    Women’s Featherweight Title。

    AEW & ROH
    1.Tony Khan在Twitter表示完成了购买Ring of Honor的交易。

    2.Dynamite中MJF为Wardlow挑选的神秘对手是IMPACT Wrestling的W. Morrissey。

    3.AEW公布了Owen Hart Memorial tournament对阵图。首轮对阵为:

    -Jeff Hardy vs. Darby Allin
    -Dax Harwood vs. Adam Cole
    -Rey Fenix vs. Kyle O’Reilly
    -Samoa Joe vs. The Joker

    4.Thunder Rosa将在5月29日Double or Nothing pay-per-view防御the AEW women’s championship,对抗the
    Professor Serena Deeb。


    -Ricky Starks vs. Jungle Boy for the FTW championship
    -Jeff Hardy vs. Darby Allin Owen Hart tournament quarterfinals
    -Adam Cole vs. Dax Harwood Owen Hart tournament quarterfinals
    -MJF and Wardlow contract signing
    -CM Punk vs. John Silver


    -Riho vs. Yuka Sakazaki qualifier for the Owen Hart Memorial tournament
    -Hook vs. JD Drake
    -Jamie Hayter & Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho & Toni Storm
    -Jay Lethal vs. Konosuke Takeshita


    * Toni Storm and Ruby Soho defeated Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter. Storm pinned Baker for the win after a
    good match. A graphic aired for Storm vs. Hayter in The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament,
    presumably on Dynamite

    * Hook defeated JD Drake in a short bout. After the match, Danhausen came out to greet Hook in the ring as
    the crowd chanted “Hookhausen!” at them. It appeared Hook was still not interested in aligning with
    Danhausen. Tony Nese interrupted to challenge Danhausen to a match at a later date

    * Shawn Spears came out to cut a promo, carrying a steel chair with “Giant Killer” on it. Spears said Wardlow
    might be the real giant of pro wrestling, but he’s the Giant Killer

    * There was a promo with AEW TNT Champion Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page and Dan Lambert in the ring. Lambert
    got huge heat by insulting Baltimore fans after first talking about being from the area. He accused fans of
    ruining the city and said that’s why he claims Miami now. Page cut a babyface promo on Tay Conti and
    Sammy Guevara. Sky said he’s now restoring prestige to the TNT Title, so Lambert must return his version to
    the ATT trophy case. Frankie Kazarian interrupted and he will now challenge Sky for the title “next week” so
    presumably next Friday’s Rampage

    * Riho defeated Yuka Sakazaki to qualify for The Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament. This was a
    really good match that was given some time

    * FTW Champion Ricky Starks and AEW World Tag Team Champion Jungle Boy brawled on the stage to build to
    their FTW Title match on next week’s Dynamite

    * Jay Lethal defeated Konosuke Takeshita in the main event. Lethal got the win after Lethal Injection. After the
    match, Lethal and Sonjay Dutt double teamed Takeshita until Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta
    made the save. Satnam Singh stopped them and beat up Best Friends while Cassidy avoided him. ROH World
    Television Champion Samoa Joe ran down with a steel pipe but security and officials stopped him on the ramp,
    preventing him from going further

    7.临时ROH women’s champion Mercedes Martinez战胜ROH women’s champion Deonna Purrazzo,成为the
    undisputed ROH women’s champion。这场比赛也是Purrazzo的AEW首秀。

    8.周三录制的下周AEW “Dark: Elevation”:

    * The Dark Order’s Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, 10 and Alan “5” Angels defeated Josh Fuller, Ryan Mooney and
    two other enhancement talents
    * Abadon defeated Emi Sakura
    * Sonny Kiss defeated Peter Avalon
    * John Silver defeated the debuting Tony Deppen
    * Max Caster defeated Cheeseburger
    * Nyla Rose defeated Skye Blue (this was only for the live crowd and not for the episode)
    * Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland defeated QT Marshall and Nick Comoroto (this may have been a dark match
    also, but not confirmed)

    9.Tony Khan在Twitter感谢一位摔迷对他们灯光的建议。


    11.5.4,Dynamite,Baltimore, Maryland, USA:
    -Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament Qualifying Match:Jeff Hardy defeats Bobby Fish (10:20)
    -Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta) defeat AFO (Angelico, The Blade & The
    Butcher) (w/The Bunny) (7:27)
    -Wardlow defeats W. Morrissey (5:32)
    -Chris Jericho defeats Santana (9:05)
    -Owen Hart Foundation Men's Tournament Qualifying Match:Rey Fenix defeats Dante Martin (9:38)
    -ROH Women's World Title Match:Mercedes Martinez defeats Deonna Purrazzo (c) (10:35) - TITLE CHANGE !!!

    1.NJPW宣布5月15日Strong TV录制新增三场比赛:Will Ospreay vs. Homicide, Jeff Cobb vs. Willie Mack, and
    United Empire (Great-O-Khan, Aaron Henare, Kyle Fletcher, and Mark Davis) vs. TMDK (Jonah, Shane Haste,
    Mikey Nicholls, and Bad Dude Tito)。

    2.NJPW宣布5月14日NJPW STRONG Capital Collision将在FITE TV播出。

    3.5.5,Dragon Gate Dead Or Alive 2022,Nagoya, Aichi, Japan,2,640人:
    -Open The Twin Gate Title Match:Z-Brats (Diamante & Shun Skywalker) defeat D'courage (Dragon Dia & Yuki
    Yoshioka) (c) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
    -Four Way Match:Mondai Ryu defeats Kono Mama Ichikawa and Syachihoko Machine and Yosuke Santa
    Maria (2:55)
    -Don Fujii, Masaaki Mochizuki, Takashi Yoshida & Yasushi Kanda defeat Ishin Iihashi, La Estrella, Strong
    Machine J & Takuma Fujiwara (8:42)
    -Z-Brats (BxB Hulk & H.Y.O) defeat Jacky Funky Kamei & Madoka Kikuta (7:05)
    -HIGH-END (Ben-K, Kagetora & Keisuke Okuda) defeat Natural Vibes (Genki Horiguchi & Jason Lee) & Punch
    Tominaga (6:38)
    -Twin Ryuo Title Match:Natural Vibes (Kzy & U-T) (c) defeat HIGH-END (Dragon Kid & YAMATO) (11:10)
    -Open The Brave Gate Title Match:Dragon Dia (c) defeats SB KENTo (16:12)
    -Open The Triangle Gate Title Match:Los Perros del Mal de Japon (Eita, Kotaro Suzuki & NOSAWA Rongai)
    defeat GOLD CLASS (Kaito Ishida, Kota Minoura & Naruki Doi) (c) (13:15) - TITLE CHANGE !!!
    -Open The Dream Gate Title Match:KAI (c) defeats Susumu Yokosuka (24:53)

    4.Yuma Aoyagi在决赛中战胜Jake Lee,赢得今年的AJPW Champion Carnival tournament,将在未来挑战Triple
    Crown Champion Kento Miyahara。

    1.已故的Shad Gaspard和Marc Copani——即Muhammad Hassan——合作创作的漫画Assassin & Son将由State
    Street Pictures拍成电影。


    (2020年度比赛系列)48-Jon Moxley vs Minoru Suzuki 2.09.20


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