UD.Enzo 发表于 2008-8-16 06:39


UD.Enzo 发表于 2008-8-16 06:49

Cena vs. Batista: The all star tandem of John Cena and Batista imploded Monday nite and lost the World Tag Titles back to Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase after a 7 day reign. Then Cena and the Animal had a predictable brawl... predictable in the sense that the 2 popular superstars obviously were not on the same page. The brawl certainly increased my interest in Cena and Batista’s Summerslam bout. It will be interesting to see what role the live crowd in Indy plays, if any, when these two have their alpha male battle. This one could go either way and if Batista’s wheel is good to go I’m leaning toward the Animal. That probably guarantees a Cena win.

kilerkiler 发表于 2008-8-17 12:46


cruise85 发表于 2008-8-17 12:52


donmen 发表于 2008-8-18 10:59

mick foley乱入和谐掉ut,edge冲刺然后压制,然后chavo乱入,edge功败垂成,这样最好。无法想象ut会输。
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