HONEYTHEKILLS 发表于 2016-10-12 00:27


1. 在9日的录影中, Moose 成为了新的 Impact Grand Champion, 他战胜了首任的腰带持有者 Aron Rex.

2. 根据现场观众的反馈,以下是周日录影的情况:

* James Storm defeated Robbie E ,这是为之后的One Night Only pay-per-view录制的比赛.

* 因为 Gail Kim 受伤,一场决定新任 Knockouts Champion的比赛将会进行. Rosemary defeated Jade in a Six Sides of Steel match,成为新任的Knockouts Champion.

* The DCC vs. The Hardys for the TNA Tag Team Titles的比赛并没有进行,因为Jeff Hardy在比赛前被袭击了. Matt Hardy 救场并承诺会delete了The DCC.

* Mahabali Shera and Al Snow defeated The Tribunal in an Indian Strap Match.

* TNA Tag Team Champions The Hardys retained over Bram and Eddie Kingston.

*在 the Knockouts 的 Thanksgiving dinner中,Allie想要向 Laurel Van Ness砸pie 但却砸在了Maria的脸上. Maria Maria fires her as her assistant 并一起揍了她.

* Ethan Carter III calls out TNA World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Kingston ,并hype了他们接下来的比赛.

* Allie defeated Laurel Van Ness 并得到了 Knockouts的合约. 赛后 Maria 想要逃走但被 Brandi Rhodes 拦住并丢送回擂台给Allie.

* TNA Impact Grand Champion Moose 的讲话先是被Drew Galloway打断,然后是Aron Rex.他们都想要得到挑战冠军的机会.

* Moose retained over Aron Rex.

* Total Nonstop Deletion 被宣布将在 Matt Hardy家的场地进行因为他想要超越 The Great War, The Final Deletion and Delete or Decay. 一整集的Impact节目都会在那里进行.The Hardys 向所有的队伍都发起了来和他们比赛的挑战.King Maxell 将进行他的首秀. Shane Helms 代表Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett接受了挑战,而Abyss and Crazzy Steve也会加入战斗. Rosemary 将在那里defend her title.

* Mandrews defeated Aiden O'Shea.

* World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards 和EC3的比赛无结果. Ethan tap out while he had Eddie pinned for a 3 count.

3. PWInsider报道TNA Hall of Fame inductee and now-former TNA Knockouts Champion Gail Kim 因轻微的背伤而不能比赛. Rosemary defeating Jade in A Six Sides of Steel match在之后进行.比赛会在12月时播出.

4. TNA宣布了本周的录影会是2016年的最后一次,并且鼓励粉丝们订阅 mailing list 以获得的2017年录影的消息.

jefflee1127 发表于 2016-10-12 01:59


HBK-K9nneo 发表于 2016-10-12 07:34


wing900 发表于 2016-10-12 11:26


tantan 发表于 2016-10-12 13:13


jeff1983 发表于 2016-10-12 13:40

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