语实俱禁 发表于 2006-8-16 20:05

The 5 Star Truth: Sirens--五星级真相:警报

The 5 Star Truth: Sirens

作者 Mike Steele
发表于 08/04/2006 下午 05:27



有很多选手有着这样那样的问题,从吸毒、酗酒到单纯的不完美和没有责任感。我们知道Jake Roberts, Scott Hall, Jeff Hardy, 和Randy Orton至少都遇到了上面提到的问题之一。但比起真正地关心他们的问题和他们今后的人生道路,我们考虑更多的是我们作为fans所受到的影响,并为我们何时能再次见到他们出场而忧心忡忡。

我们的自私超越了伤病和毒瘾。当Eddie Guerrero去世时,我真的感觉到大多数fans是真正地为他和他的家庭而悲伤。我感同身受,他的去世就如同我失去了一位挚友。但是与此同时,我们希望他依然活着,不仅因为想让他健健康康地尽享天伦,而且因为我们想看他继续进行伟大的比赛。我更乐于相信天堂的存在,Eddie在其中获得永生。然而我的自私心作祟,一直想让他回到人间,这样的话我们就可以继续欣赏几年他的比赛,而不是让他安息。

说实话,我们所有人没有一个没作过自私自利的事情。那是不可能实现的。即使是Mother Theresa〔译者注:德兰修女,以品德高尚闻名〕也不敢坚称自己大公无私。即使是最仁慈的行为也有其自私的一面。如果你对某人施以恩惠,那仅仅是为了避免内疚,并使自己得到做善事的自豪感。如果你肯为你的孩子牺牲自己,那只是因为如果他们离世你会更难受。这并不是说每个人都是邪恶的、以自我为中心的。这只是生活的真相。如果有什么不同的话,我们就都是机器人了。如果我们因为想看比赛而想要选手迅速康复,我并不认为这是可耻的。我只是觉得我们应该更多地考虑他们的生活,并感激他们为观众们所带来的满足。除此之外,你在所热爱的事物上进行的情感投资越多,你得到的回报也就越多。

-Mike Steele



语实俱禁 发表于 2006-8-16 20:06

The 5 Star Truth: Sirens
Posted by Mike Steele on 08/04/2006 at 05:27 PM

When the sirens of an ambulance, fire truck, or police car blaze through my neighborhood, leaving a lingering ringing in my head and making my dog howl, I am only thinking of how annoying they are, and not about what the sirens really mean. When you hear a siren it means that there is an emergency. Somewhere, not very far away, there is someone having a heart attack, a house burning down, or a robbery taking place. But do we ever think about those people in their time of desperation when the sirens sound? No. We only concern ourselves with the temporary annoyance that disrupts our sleep or interrupts our television program. The same is true in wrestling.
Wrestlers that we love and respect get injured all the time. We feel sad and disappointed. We hope that they make a speedy recovery and come back better than ever. But it is not because we care about them personally. It is because we are selfish. Let’s face it, we’re only thinking about the entertainment that we will be missing. We miss the promos and we miss the matches. Even if we do have some legitimate sympathy for the fallen entertainer, most of the grief that we feel is for ourselves as fans.
There are many wrestlers who have a variety of problems, ranging from drug and alcohol addiction to simple immaturity and irresponsibility. We know that Jake Roberts, Scott Hall, Jeff Hardy, and Randy Orton have at least one of the problems mentioned above. But rather than actually caring about their problems and hoping that they can straighten out their personal lives, we tend to only consider how it affects us as fans and worry about when we will be able to see them on a regular basis again.
Our selfishness goes beyond injury and addiction. When Eddie Guerrero died, I truly believe that the great majority of fans were truly sad for him and his family. I really felt a connection to Eddie and when he died it felt like I had lost a friend. But at the same time we wish that he were still alive, not just to know that he is healthy and with his family, but because we want to see him wrestle and have great promos. I’d like to believe that there is some sort of heaven and that Eddie is there. But the selfishness in me wants to pull him back down to Earth so he can entertain me for a few more years instead of just letting him rest in peace.
In all honesty, none of us has ever done anything completely selfless. It’s impossible. Not even Mother Theresa can truthfully claim otherwise. Even the most charitable acts are selfish. If you do a good deed for someone, it is only to avoid guilt and give yourself a sense of pride in doing good. If you sacrifice yourself for your child it is because you would feel bad if they died instead. This is not to say that everyone is evil and self-centered. It’s just a fact of life. If it were any different we would all be robots. I am not saying that we should all be ashamed of ourselves for wanting to see wrestlers recover so that they can entertain us. I am just saying that we should take their lives into deeper consideration and appreciate the sacrifices that they make for us on a daily basis. Besides, the more you emotionally invest into what you love, the more you will get back in return.
-Mike Steele

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[ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-16 20:08 编辑 ]

Uame 发表于 2006-8-16 20:36


sosa 发表于 2006-8-16 21:28


sje923 发表于 2006-8-16 21:38



语实俱禁 发表于 2006-8-16 23:41

原帖由 sosa 于 2006-8-16 21:28 发表

摔了脚手 发表于 2006-8-17 00:16


语实俱禁 发表于 2006-8-17 00:22

原帖由 yion123 于 2006-8-17 00:06 发表

开始也没看太懂`` 呵呵`

Penny0215 发表于 2006-8-17 01:29


bewdxz 发表于 2006-8-17 20:11


LH6482 发表于 2006-8-20 10:59


hin110 发表于 2006-8-22 23:53


忘忧天使 发表于 2006-8-25 15:29

tom514 发表于 2006-8-25 15:41


chirs 发表于 2006-9-6 12:22

thank you~~~~~~
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