语实俱禁 发表于 2006-8-7 01:25

The Continental Classroom - Day 2 (Matt Striker远程培训班第二日)

这篇文章看起来很头大,全部翻译完后,我理解大概是Matt Striker弄的一个在澳大利亚和英格兰之间的一种远程视频节目,他自己在一边,观众(也就是学生)在一边。


The Continental Classroom - Day 2
作者Matt Striker,发表于WWE.com
August 4, 2006


安静,学生们,是我,Matt Striker…你们的老师,欢迎来到远程培训班的第二课,本课的题目是“邪恶的纽卡斯尔”。(注意,nefarious这个词的意思就是邪恶,我们在纽卡斯尔胡说八道。)



我对WWE的fans是很友善的。即使我比一般人聪明(嗯,比一般人…好吧,我承认我比大多数人都聪明),我仍然记得我的祖国,我是谁,还有就是我始终是wwe的fan。WWE的fans要关注的太多了,比如SummerSlam和John Cena的电影处女作“The Marine”的上映,不用再关注Matt Striker了(大笑)






( 无论如何,就像英格兰可以为我作任何事情一样。英国首相布莱尔仅仅是我们这个时代最伟大领导人的一个傀儡(带着对已故的里根总统的敬意),那位最伟大的,最英明的,最努力工作的领导人就是小布什!)

第三题:加分题:你们的老师Matt Striker在高中时哪些课外活动比其它人优秀呢?

答案:在其它的成就上,我在纽约queens区的Bayside High School作过演员(不是那个搞笑的少儿节目“Saved By the Bell”〔注2〕中那个有象Lark Voorhies一样的妓女,以及象Mario Lopez和“Zack Morris”〔注3〕一样垃圾的学校),我还参加了数学组,辩论队,合唱团以及象棋班。



我想让你们知道我在面对最著名的象棋大师卡斯帕罗夫时,我保持着最长时间不失子且不被将死的记录。(记住,我当时是一个穿着“刽子手”Bobby Jaggers〔注4〕背心的九岁小孩)如果我再和他下一盘,我将很轻易地击败他…如果我系着“德克萨斯黄玫瑰”Eric Embry〔注5〕的领带的话。

我们的旅程在继续,我们到达了集合地点(也就是比赛场地)。由于这里有如此丰富的皇家历史,我在整条大街上听到响亮的“ALL HAIL KING BOOKER”〔注6〕时毫不吃惊。由于他们承认了真正的王权和King Booker的伟大,我表扬了这里的人们。

澳大利亚的建筑结构真是令人畏惧。世界著名的悉尼歌剧院就是这种设计――对于歌剧院来说是如此的适合。你不会看到或听到“Limp Biscuits”〔注7〕或者“50 cents”〔注8〕玷污这个神圣的地方。



不用谢我;我作的这些不足挂齿。最后,我再重复一次,我是Matt Striker,我是你们的老师!!!

注6:就是wwe节目里regal和booker他老婆总喊的那句,意为“向 King Booker致敬”



[ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2006-8-7 01:32 编辑 ]

语实俱禁 发表于 2006-8-7 01:27

The Continental Classroom - Day 2
By Matt Striker
August 4, 2006

(Bell rings.)

Settle down students. It is I, Matt Striker ... your teacher. Welcome to another edition of the “Continental Classroom.” This installment is titled “Nefarious in Newcastle.” (See, nefarious means wicked, and we are in Newcastle and blah, blah, blah.)

Today was quite a day here in Australia. The weather is similar to a crisp September day, a time I love ... the return to school, new assignments, the smell of textbooks and brown bag lunches ... not to mention playoff baseball, which in my opinion serves as a distraction to young minds!!

I had a great workout this morning, as I applied proven scientific methods to my resistance training, and well, the results are obvious. After my workout, a fan approached me and presented me with a white, cotton warm-up suit with “AUSTRALIA” written across the front. Apparently, the locals here need to be reminded of where they are from.

I always have time for WWE fans. Even though I am smarter than the average person (well, above average… OK, I am smarter than most people), I still remember where I came from, and I, too, was, is and always will be a fan of sports-entertainment. With SummerSlam and John Cena’s major motion picture debut in “The Marine” coming up, there is plenty for WWE fans to look forward to, not to mention more and more of Matt Striker. (BIG SMILE)

I did some “walkabout,” as the natives put it. (Now, do not confuse yourselves by thinking I have given in to slang. The term walkabout is an old English saying and technically constitutes proper English.)

The towns here have so much to offer. Actually, let’s have a quiz right here, right now. Grab a pencil and blank sheet of paper.

Question 1: Which country colonized Australia?
(Theme from “Jeopardy” plays.)

Answer: Great Britain. If you look closely at the Australian flag, you will see the British “Union Jack” boldly represented.

Question 2: Which English Queen was known for her “portly stature”? (Hint: She shares a name with one of WWE’s most talented and beautiful divas.)

Answer: Queen Victoria. We stopped by a statue of Queen Victoria in Hyde Park, and leave it to me to point out the Queen’s obvious weight problem!
(As if England can do anything to me, anyway. Tony Blair, the English Prime Minister, is a mere puppet to the greatest leader of our time (with respect to the late Ronald Reagan), the great, insightful and diligent President George W. Bush!

Question 3: BONUS QUESTION: What extracurricular activities did your teacher, Matt Striker, excel at in high school?

Answer: Among other achievements, I rose to stardom at Bayside High School in Queens, N.Y. (Not the school from the insidious teen television program, “Saved By the Bell,” which gave us harlots like Lark Voorhies, and derelicts such as Mario Lopez and “Zack Morris.”) I participated in Mathletes, debate team, glee club and chess squad.

As we walked through Hyde Park, I was surprised to see two men playing chess. Of course, the move selection was all wrong, and I made it a point to “teach” them.

I’ll have you know that I hold the record for going the longest amount of time without losing a piece or being checkmated by world famous chess master Garry Kasparov. (Keep in mind, I was a 9-year-old wearing a “Hangman” Bobby Jaggers T-shirt at the time.) Should I ever play him again, I would easily defeat him ... while wearing a “Yellow Rose of Texas” Eric Embry necktie.

Our day continued as we arrived at the venue (which means arena). With such a rich royal history here, I was not surprised to hear an “ALL HAIL KING BOOKER” chant ringing throughout the streets. I commend the people here for recognizing true royalty and the true greatness that is King Booker.

The Australian architecture is truly awe-inspiring. The world famous Sydney Opera House is legendary for its design -- such a fitting structure for a true music like opera. You will not see or hear the “Limp Biscuits” or the “50 cents” disgracing such a hallowed place.

Our driver continued to tell us about how beautiful the women in Newcastle are. As I looked around, the only thing as beautiful as my lovely ladyfriend at home was the sunset.

As I watched the setting sun in Australia, I gave thanks. Today is a gift -- that is why it is called the “present” -- and you are truly blessed to have someone such as me to enrich your lives.

Do not thank me; it’s simply what I do. After all, I am Matt Striker and I am YOUR TEACHER!!!!

破碎花瓣雨 发表于 2006-8-7 01:29


6650655 发表于 2006-8-7 02:19


undertaker112 发表于 2006-8-7 09:11


yiyiloveyiyi 发表于 2006-8-7 09:43


语实俱禁 发表于 2006-8-7 10:37

原帖由 yiyiloveyiyi 于 2006-8-7 09:43 发表

低调De呆呆 发表于 2006-8-7 10:44



xxu 发表于 2006-8-7 11:56


zlkh 发表于 2006-8-7 12:25


stevenpong 发表于 2006-8-7 12:49


rockwei 发表于 2006-8-7 13:19


绝地重生 发表于 2006-8-7 20:06


hdkeybob 发表于 2006-8-10 00:40

水中落叶 发表于 2006-8-10 22:48

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