xiazun 发表于 2006-5-19 15:37


在上个星期用铁丝棒攻击Tommy Dreamer之后,剧情的反应不够热烈,让人有些担心。我想一个关键的解释相当于引起“小小的轰动反应”。也许我应该着急才对,但是,我不急。
当然了,我害怕自己对这整个反ECW的事,做的也许太多,太急了。但对Tommy Dreamer没有获得观众的热烈反应我并不吃惊,倘若他真的获得了的话倒会让我很吃惊的。毕竟anaheim(位于加洲南部)对ECW来说不是一个必然的温床,Dreamer在这里巩固了自己的重要明星的地位。如果我想要的是一时的满意,我会打电话找THE ROCK或者STONE COLD帮忙。这俩家伙必定会在电话里笑我,但我希望你能够懂我。
我不反对那些所谓“梦幻决斗比赛”,嘿,我希望能很快也成为其中的一个选手。他们打起比赛根本不用费力,而且干的好的时侯(象 Michaels vs. Hogan),会有难以置信的回报。
我们有四个星期时间来建立起这个家园。每周都会有新的效果,结出新的果实;我们将会有一个新的主题启动。上个星期在Anaheim的演出效果不好,但是这是必要的。这周在Lubbock的演出上,我,EDGE和Terry Funk拿出我们最好的道具,建好屏障让摔迷们知道预定的计划实现后会是个什么样子。
不幸的是,似乎5月26号我在Canyon County的登台不会发生,因为那人从没有送来定金(?原话deposit)但是5月27号旧金山的仍然要登台,欲知更多关于我5月20号在MVPCollectibles (201)-994-0700 ,欲知更多关于5月27号在Lee & Woo Optometry的登台表演:(415)-452-8320.

[ 本帖最后由 xiazun 于 2006-5-21 12:55 编辑 ]

xiazun 发表于 2006-5-19 15:39

Foley is Blog: From the bottom up
By Mick Foley
May 18, 2006

Following last week’s bludgeoning of Tommy Dreamer, there was some concern about the lack of reaction the scenario received. I think one key account referred to it as getting “shockingly little reaction.” Maybe I should be worried. But I’m not.

Sure, I’m concerned that I might be attempting to do too much, too soon with this whole anti-ECW thing. But I wasn’t surprised that Tommy Dreamer didn’t get a huge reaction from the crowd. I would have been more surprised if he did. After all, Anaheim wasn’t necessarily a hotbed for ECW, where Dreamer solidified himself as a major star. If I was looking for instantaneous gratification, I would have called in a favor and asked for The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin. Sure, those guys would have laughed me off the phone, but I hope you get my point.

I have nothing against “dream matches.” Hey, I hope to be in a few over the next few years. They are no-brainers, and when done right (see Michaels vs. Hogan) can be incredibly lucrative for their participants.

But I get a certain satisfaction out of building from the ground up. My wife asked me if the lack of reaction last week in Anaheim bothered me. “Not really,” I said. “No one really shows up at a home sight to marvel at the foundation.” And a foundation is basically what we constructed last week.

We have four weeks to build this home. Every week will bear new fruit; we’ll see a new project undressing. Last week in Anaheim wasn’t pretty, but it was necessary. This week in Lubbock saw me, Edge and Terry Funk with our best tools out, building the walls, giving the fans an idea of what the finished project might look like.

All I ask from the fans is that they give us a chance. Don’t be so quick to judge until you see the finished product. I really think that you’ll like it – after all, I’ve got the blueprints.

Unfortunately, it looks like my appearance on May 26 in Canyon County, CA, is not going to happen – the guy never sent the deposit. But May 27 in San Francisco is still on, as is May 20 in Little Ferry, NJ. For more information on my May 20 appearance at MVP Collectibles: (201)-994-0700 and for more information on my appearance on May 27 at Lee & Woo Optometry: (415)-452-8320.

UT的兄弟 发表于 2006-5-19 20:00


rockliuyang 发表于 2006-5-19 20:34

米豆 发表于 2006-5-20 01:39



account 此处应该是“解释、说明”的意思

No one really shows up at a home sight 本人也翻译不出,请高手指教

building the walls 结合上下文来看应该是指“建立起屏障”,也就是指有要好好当好HEEL的角色

米豆 发表于 2006-5-20 01:41




a city in northwest Texas south of Amaril(美国德克萨斯州西部城市)

on May 26 in Canyon County, CA

Canyon County,峡谷国家,根据后文的CA来看这个国家应该是指Canada(加拿大)

mouselmm 发表于 2006-5-20 07:49

原帖由 米豆 于 2006-5-20 01:41 发表



a city in northwest Texas south of Amaril(美国德克萨斯州西部城市)

on May 26 in Canyon County, CA

Canyon County ...


泡泡龙仔 发表于 2006-5-20 21:11

“No one really shows up at a home sight to marvel at the foundation.”

[ 本帖最后由 泡泡龙仔 于 2006-5-20 21:42 编辑 ]

sje923 发表于 2006-5-20 21:22



zhong124shan 发表于 2006-5-21 13:05

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