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[翻译] In Eddie's Name----以Eddie之名

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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


    发表于 2006-8-14 15:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    依旧是WWE官网的文章,看来这个剧情终于要到尽头了,但愿真的到了尽头才好。。。! @  k5 M5 \; I- r% Y

    : J3 w$ x5 s" ]' ?" X! l$ c% [In Eddie's Name0 J0 M3 c# t- X+ Y' x& Z+ l
    , m) A, R3 {+ j8 ^# I, v( n
    0 U9 ^+ F6 }6 g9 Y. g& H作者 Craig Tello
    8 s* F: f2 w! f/ kAugust 12, 2006
    7 l* M+ P, b8 n1 M& X5 ]7 \! m" h4 g2 f- ]

      B, n% V* O9 M: |0 ~! z1 ^% b
    # n, @& O2 N& yWWE.com获悉在两周充满仇恨的争吵和打斗后,Rey Mysterio与 Chavo Guerrero间的情感之争将在Summerslam上作个了结。5 b1 b% [9 u  N! C( {
    1 `- A5 B$ o$ t" }0 j4 C
    SmackDown上这两人的对峙飞速升级,GM Theodore Long在Summerslam上为这两位曾经是朋友的选手――Mysterio和Chavo――安排了一场比赛。两人间的怨恨自从八月二十日chavo告别赛开始发展,现在已经达到了顶点。
    3 {- H2 O2 ^; j
    5 z  g& |: Q' F6 G9 wRey和Chavo之间的敌对状态也严重地影响到了Guerrero家族,并将Eddie的遗孀Vickie Guerrero也牵扯进来。Vickie分别与两人都有深厚的交情,她自告奋勇地试图修复Rey和 Chavo二者之间的感情。
    ' k+ n& a  V$ F% @% i
    4 W; b# A+ I8 a* V2 f “我的心都碎了,因为我感觉到我的整个家庭都崩塌了,”Vickie在一次WWE.com的独家专访中郁郁不乐地透露道。“我爱Rey,也爱Chavo。Rey一直是我生命中很特别的一部分,因为他是Eddie的挚友。还有Chavo,他是我的侄子,那本身就很特别。他们相处得不好让我很忧心。在失去了Eddie之后又看到Chavo和Rey水火不容,我感觉我也失去了他们俩,”她补充道。“我只是希望他们能和平相处。”- j, P% l8 M  G5 H! M5 L
    1 S' t- i! I2 l/ G# E7 h
    周五,Vickie又一次处于Chavo和Rey激烈的争吵之中,然而这使得Vickie的头重重地撞在了地板上。尽管如此,她仍然拒绝后退,看着她的“家庭成员”势不两立。Vickie满心希望她的家庭成员能重归于好,她告诉WWE.com她想私下拜访Theodore Long并劝说其取消Rey和Chavo的比赛。2 e8 i9 l$ O4 |, R4 E6 _7 C8 r7 j
    " L  }* ?! r- d! ?
    “如果我在SummerSlam前联系不上Teddy,我将尽我最大努力〔取消这场比赛〕,” Vickie Guerrero 显然已经下定决心。“我不想Rey和Chavo彼此争斗,那并不会有任何好结果…我想如果他们能彼此宽恕和谅解的话,Eddie也会很开心的。”; k1 b0 T: t4 u: m6 C7 r
    3 y( B( Y- P' T0 G7 A5 A' m& q1 j5 [
    的确,对于Guerrero家族来说,这是灾难性的一年,也是令其情感上疲惫不堪的一年。对于Rey Mysterio来说,自从Eddie Guerrero在去年11月去世而开始追求夺取世界冠军,同样也是充满了情感负担的九个月――这在上个月The Great American Bash上Chavo Guerrero背叛时达到了顶点――五天之后在SmackDown上chavo再次背叛了Rey――Chavo一手促成了WWE史上最弱势冠军〔译者注:原文为the biggest underdog champion〕的生涯和梦想。. j. X# o; X3 i  [. y5 M
      B1 y2 P: R8 l3 k
    # m  F. T) L+ u: t+ Q) a& a
    4 Y! {, z5 R# P# c, y “我的心理状态现在已经调整为战斗模式了,”原世界冠军这样说到。“〔chavo和我〕在Eddie过世之后已经共同度过了一段时间,在Chavo背叛我之前,我还以为他是比任何人都更亲近的人。当我在WrestleMania 22上赢得世界冠军后,他就在身边为我祝贺。然后,上个月他令我失去了冠军头衔。在这一切发生之后,我〔在SummerSlam上〕不想再有所保留了。”
    % {* t6 u( B# u
    4 a7 J7 o' r. l( v! m# YRey对在SmackDown上Vickie的遭遇表示深深的遗憾,但是他认为在SummerSlam的时候,Vickie和整个Guerrero家族应该完全从他眼前消失。. u/ F0 @6 Y, w- M/ R" T

    * x9 ?( D. y- N/ Y4 t/ ~; j “绳圈内的唯一一个对手应该是Chavo Guerrero,那才是我所关注的,” Mysterio说。“我要开始战斗了。”
    9 S2 B  L& _/ Z  o8 e
    # p$ u$ H& S7 c: u由于在Raw上一系列令人失望的失败,Chavo在四月时离开了wwe,并声称自己辜负了家族、fans和Eddie Guerrero的厚望。甚至在退休后,Chavo也一直鼓励Rey以Eddie Guerrero的名义去赢得世界冠军。在数月的支持之后,Chavo在GAB上用椅子袭击了Mysterio,从而震惊了世界。3 ~8 b8 c( Z2 }

    ) u) }1 t( S3 r* N; I5 }这份震惊一直持续到几周之前的SmackDown,Chavo解释了他的行为并讲述了他苛刻的友情〔译者注:原文为address his severed friendship〕。Chavo声称,Mysterio在欺世盗名,而且是在将Rey这个名字与Eddie Guerrero联系在一起。在谈到他在SmackDown的旧友时,充满怨恨的Chavo将Mysterio称为“盗取Guerrero之名而苟延残喘的吸血鬼。〔译者注:原文为a leech living off the blood of the Guerrero name〕”
    4 Q- d) t6 y8 t# ~7 J' E2 D4 z2 U! i: M+ \% y% n( b& y
    1 }5 e3 h5 U) u/ ?% l2 k3 m- P
    . [0 H% C* L! y, T9 T# v在获知了Teddy Long的比赛安排后,Chavo在与WWE.com的谈话中表达了他对SummerSlam上自己比赛的想法。和Rey一样,Chavo说他也热切盼望能在八月二十日在波士顿与Mysterio单挑。
    & ?! c- ^) A) K( T0 M
    7 M- [' }# F1 K- d “你很光荣,你保护了你的DNA,”Chavo说,“你捍卫了你的家族。这就是这场比赛的真正含义。我爱〔Vickie Guerrero〕,但是她应该理解我是在捍卫Guerrero这个姓氏。她应该静观〔这场比赛的〕开始。”6 T% v. Q5 f7 ?! B
    : {3 r" n( p; C- ], Y( ~3 r1 }
    Rey和Chavo间的不和在过去的日子里越来越尖锐。Vickie Guerrero将自己的全身心都投入调解之中,但是于事无补。如果她无法改变Long的决定,这场比赛将是SummerSlam上最不幸的比赛之一。
    0 G& Q6 d8 ~/ W- }9 [# r/ m+ K+ Q- m  P' t* c% ~0 K
    Chavo说,与Rey Mysterio的这场比赛将超出WWE fans所看过或经历过的任何比赛的水准。他说他们的争论并不只限于竞技娱乐,而且两者――特别是Mysterio――从来没有达成一致。. L0 p5 p) w  p9 P8 `; [4 ]
      A) R, Q7 g" v$ r; @$ }. w
    9 B9 e. B2 O! a) a8 z7 @* ?; M, Y5 Y  p/ P1 {
    能在SummerSlam上获胜呢?Mysterio与Chavo的不和会结束吗?Rey Mysterio和Guerrero家族将如何和好呢?敬请关注SummerSlam ppv直播。. R: z! W" M  T" [; j

    6 c3 b# U" f  i5 C7 z+ W[ 本帖最后由 语实俱禁 于 2007-4-16 15:06 编辑 ]


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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-6 16:07
  • 签到天数: 232 天


     楼主| 发表于 2006-8-14 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
    原文地址:! Y4 K$ Y4 }4 N# [2 N7 ]
    http://www.wwe.com/shows/smackdown/articles/2774846/31711087 Z0 Y+ _2 B  Z) Q" b
    9 y# F2 h$ D( bIn Eddie's Name2 J( D7 H4 ~* y% y  E
    By Craig Tello
    ( j/ ?0 ]* g) Z7 l5 TAugust 12, 2006
    - ?4 c% [8 E0 h# @( z0 C- E* b& v6 h, \. g4 u' ?  F: Q
    4 \# d  i- B2 ]  w
    WWE.com has learned that after weeks of bitter fighting and argument, the emotional war between Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero will come to a head at SummerSlam. 9 o$ j8 b! ~9 i: K* z
    ( Z; p- |7 k+ s: [
    Spurred on by the confrontation between the two on SmackDown, General Manager Theodore Long set a match for SummerSlam between the former friends, Mysterio and Chavo. The malice and resentment between these men has reached the boiling point, growing as far as to bring Chavo out of retirement to battle Mysterio on Aug. 20.
    ) L' i8 c' Q% t& x& [ ) e1 K& H/ x' t0 q( E7 A9 `
    The toxic situation between Rey and Chavo has also seriously affected the Guerrero family, drawing Eddie’s widow Vickie Guerrero into the equation. Having strong relationships with both individuals, Vickie has come forward in an attempt to restore peace between Rey and Chavo. ' N1 U8 [3 Q9 \% _

    7 |9 T) D; ^+ U6 y( N“My heart’s broken because I feel like my whole family’s falling apart,” said a sullen Vickie in an exclusive interview with WWE.com. “I love Rey and I love Chavo. Rey has been a special part of my life because he was Eddie’s close friend. Then there’s Chavito, who’s my nephew, and that’s special in itself. It’s breaking my heart that they can’t get along. With losing Eddie and then seeing how Chavo and Rey can’t get along, I feel like I’m losing both of them too,” she added. “I just wish they would come to peaceful terms.” 0 b" \) _/ D5 U4 Q

    % n$ F) o0 d% K! |On Friday, Vickie once again got in the middle of Chavo and Rey’s fervent dispute leading to Vickie getting violently knocked to the floor. Still, Vickie said that she refuses to back off and watch her “familia” tear each other apart. In hopes of keeping her family together, Vickie told WWE.com that she intends on going to Theodore Long personally to talk him into calling off the match between Rey and Chavo.
    # j% O& ]% ^4 l  j4 O( p5 J
    7 o9 _9 l5 L4 i+ V3 m“If I can reach Teddy before SummerSlam, I’m going to plead my case [to call off the match],” said a determined Vickie Guerrero. “I don’t want Rey and Chavito to go through with this because it’s not going to result in anything good and…I think Eddie would be happy too if they could forgive each other and move on.”
    9 G  s& N- Q# F3 `% R: M& W
    : L9 G4 z, P8 [, J& K* _! W6 k: r: {  M  S6 S
    It truly has been a devastating and emotionally exhausting year for the Guerrero family. For Rey Mysterio, it has also been an emotional nine months, beginning with Eddie Guerrero’s passing in November and leading into Rey’s quest for the World Championship – a quest that culminated in Chavo Guerrero’s betrayal last month. At The Great American Bash – and then again on SmackDown five days later – Chavo cost the biggest underdog champion in WWE history his livelihood and his dream.
    ' o5 t  i  C  l" F$ O
    0 ~! J0 v" t. j% v0 r! T1 A1 P6 N8 F* XRey told WWE.com that he’s heading into SummerSlam prepared for one of the most personal battles he’s ever had in the squared circle. + \7 S# {4 M4 W0 o& k/ r$ s/ p

    # \. W- v. }9 o1 d7 P, Q* U“My mentality is in fight mode right now,” said the former World Champion. “[Chavo and I have] been going through a rough time since Eddie passed away, and I thought Chavo was closer to me than anybody else until he turned his back on me. When I won the World Championship at WrestleMania 22, he was there raising my hand. Then, last month, he made me lose my World title. After all that’s happened, I’m not going to be holding anything back [at SummerSlam].” ; R7 R0 X9 p+ ]" d- G

    1 e9 ]1 L; D/ d2 Y& [* }1 KRey expressed genuine regret for what happened to Vickie on SmackDown, but said that at SummerSlam, Vickie and the Guerrero family is going to be completely out of his sight.
    3 e1 M  |0 T3 Z  H: b# b5 R5 a) u  P! t5 [/ _
    “The only person that’s going to be in the ring is going to be Chavo Guerrero, so that’s going to be my focus,” Mysterio said. “I’m coming to fight.” 9 N  `; P& b; ]
    3 L# h" B+ x$ v2 b' n* |
    Frustrated by several disappointing losses on RAW, Chavo retired from sports-entertainment in April, saying that he’d let down his family, the fans and Eddie Guerrero himself. Even in retirement, Chavo rallied behind Rey in his journey to winning the World Championship in the name of Eddie Guerrero. Following months of support, Chavo surprised the world by leveling Mysterio with a steel chair at The Bash.
    4 S: w6 u5 i( V( X; S. ^$ ~- W& K# O1 ~* ?, N0 q/ |$ v
    The surprise continued weeks ago on SmackDown as Chavo went on the record to explain his actions and address his severed friendship. Chavo claimed that in tying himself to the late Eddie Guerrero, Mysterio was trying to “steal the spotlight.” Addressing his former friend on SmackDown, a bitter Chavo also called Mysterio “a leech living off the blood of the Guerrero name.” 5 W" B; v6 |  W6 H, x

    / K2 q. N7 N  m# l. v, ]" l2 a. d“You didn’t just steal Eddie from me,” he said, “you didn’t just steal him from the Guerrero family; you stole the memory of Eddie from each and every one of those people out there.” $ p" d; f8 K3 N' k+ Y- l

    0 B  n: [5 Q% e2 A: iAfter learning of Teddy Long’s announcement, Chavo spoke with WWE.com as well to offer his thoughts on his match at SummerSlam. Like Rey, Chavo said he is looking forward to meeting Mysterio one-on-one in Boston on Aug. 20.   K' A- Q* T, H: P. Q$ Q4 F
    * c* H% s* N" X$ N! A& p
    “You honor and protect your DNA,” said Chavo, “you protect your family. That’s what this match boils down to. I love [Vickie Guerrero], but she’s got to understand I’m doing this to protect the Guerrero name and to defend the Guerrero name. She’s got to stay back and let [the match] happen.”
    " G/ r; Z$ B) T# g# H4 L0 ?- \. d
    # c4 ]% z" A# }" z3 a/ J7 e# B! mThe conflict between Rey and Chavo has grown more and more vicious with each passing moment. Vickie Guerrero has put her own physical and emotional health at risk, but has been unsuccessful in maintaining peace. If she is unable to sway Long’s decision, this contest could be one of the most vile matches in SummerSlam history. 5 b0 X( u. t! j, V& z. {
    7 A$ h6 Q+ ~" T5 D! l( y# K2 o
    According to Chavo, this match with Rey Mysterio goes beyond anything WWE fans have ever seen or experienced before. He said their dispute extends further than sports-entertainment and neither man – especially Mysterio – will ever be the same. 5 Q5 r- Z: i2 g$ i7 m

    / M, E2 g. X1 f8 _- v“This is real,” said Chavo vehemently. “[At SummerSlam], you’re going to see real emotions. You’re going to see a whole new meaning to the word ‘Guerrero’.”
    2 N$ N4 `. N- \6 Q. E7 o1 O$ E/ n# C
    Can either man emerge victorious at SummerSlam? Will the war between Mysterio and Chavo come to an end? What will become of the family-like bond between Rey Mysterio and the Guerreros? Find out live and only on pay-per-view.
  • TA的每日心情

    2016-2-25 03:16
  • 签到天数: 608 天


    发表于 2006-8-14 15:51 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-14 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
    - r  V9 j- K3 m6 U! [2 y我不怀疑会看到一场精彩的比赛
    # Y0 T( e& S2 }' c但总拿Eddie说事儿实在让人不舒服
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-4-2 14:48
  • 签到天数: 3 天


    发表于 2006-8-14 16:24 | 显示全部楼层
    楼主翻译的好啊   不该拿EDDIE来说事  100%支持CHAVO


    发表于 2006-8-14 16:31 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-14 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
    lidanyifei 该用户已被删除
    发表于 2006-8-14 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
    提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽


    发表于 2006-8-14 16:51 | 显示全部楼层
    对于你们的想法感到非常的奇怪???难道让所有人忘记让他R.I.P就是你们想得到的???你们有替Guerrero家族想过么??有替Vickie Guerrero以及EG的孩子生活想过么???离开你的眼前只是你为了防止自己想起...我支持这个剧情,这对这整个家族来说并不是坏事,一切都是为了生活.
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-10-29 19:34
  • 签到天数: 5 天


    发表于 2006-8-14 17:28 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-14 17:29 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-14 18:11 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-14 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
    5 U! y' x+ L7 \3 t" k( T- r: VEddie是不會被遺忘的3 O2 K3 t' o; o; \, C  [' n

    - [% {. S# n: H7 D! y" O( R只是不希望在他死後 有一些讓人很厭惡的劇情:! ]6 N, H9 N/ ]% ~, j0 ?6 m' y
    1.把象徵Eddie的車子炸掉; H2 ~; X, |9 ]: ~
    2.讓選手在劇情裡說他在地獄裡: u! W1 S9 U$ ]3 X9 @' t
    3.藉著他的人氣來幫Rey打贏與他不再相關的比賽9 L& s+ q4 E% N1 w6 s
    ; |) o6 h+ Z; }2 ]: b. [; t& M
    我不認為Vickie和Eddie的孩子看到自己已逝的丈夫 父親; d' F6 ]. }, n6 K
    在一個娛樂節目裡被人說成在地獄裡, F7 D* V4 w) I7 V* h+ x2 m8 X
    / E( b- X2 @8 B) g( C
    * [0 e7 u6 w4 T/ b: y"一切都是為了生活"
    9 k0 K$ Y4 M$ b" X是啊: W: c" @6 Q- M  ]/ G) W7 p3 P
    那不能放過他們一家人 讓他們好好生活嗎??????


    发表于 2006-8-14 18:29 | 显示全部楼层


    发表于 2006-8-14 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
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